MP3 players and little gadgets that go online

Jun 10, 2012 20:07

::Gets into research mode::

Been looking, been price-shopping, been checking out the Best Buys and Brandsmarts --

What's the best gadget to get that plays MP3s and goes online and doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

Here's what initiated this dilemma. I've got an itty bitty MP3 player. It has a 1.5" screen. Needless to say, that's a bit small to watch a video on. ::vbeg:: It does get FM radio through.

Anyway, there were some refurbished 4gig MP3 players with a 3.5" screen on sale for $30, and I got two (one was a gift). I checked them out. One wouldn't charge due to a faulty plug and the other lost the sound after 30 minutes. Naturally, they both went back.

So, a searching we did go.

I looked at an IPOD. It's the size of a smart phone. Great for music and watching vids and going online, but what you see online is a truncated version. It cost $149. Then there's the slightly larger gadget that's between the size of a smart phone and an IPAD. It ran about $200. Naturally, the IPADs are $500, and I'm not that thrilled about things that don't use keyboards and from what I hear, they don't take a jump drive.

I've found a few others that are only sold online, so there's no way to look at it, play with the buttons, see how heavy it is, etc.

Any one got any recommendations?
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