Wake Me Up When September Begins

Sep 11, 2008 07:03

Summer has come and and past, the motorcycle season can never last (In North Dakota); wake me up when September ends.

The ever decreasing numbers of pretty ladies in short shorts and tank tops *le sigh* along with the shorter periods of sunlight and dropping temperatures can only signify one thing and no it doesn't mean the Gophers are in town (keep the dead gophers in the freezer for now). It means summer is over and the fall season has begun.

It means I have to finally get that block heater installed that I've been putting off for two years (I'll do it next week). It means we just discovered that out of $300 worth of books the professor made us purchase, we're only using $50 worth and the return policy has expired. Lastly, it means we will be bombarded with constant campaigning for the 2008 presidential race as if we never made up our minds already when clearly we'd rather vote for Cobra Commander than a maverick or a false messiah. Hail Cobra!!

However, the fall's not all that bad especially if you didn't have an air conditioner or wind machine during the summer. It's cooling down with no humidity and isn't a sustained -45 degrees (yet) while the threat of West Nile from mosquitoes has gone the way of financial aid after the pride card; bye-bye. With the concerned parents and overly-nostalgic alumni gone, parking spaces for us S-class permit owners are relatively more plentiful (albeit not by much) as are the openings in the classes we wanted as disillusioned students are withdrawing once they realized they actually have a workload. After all, it's not easy balancing 15 or less credits and an experimental social life involving no parents and Busch Light (drink responsibly; Captain's orders)! Best of all the sounds of the unnatural male enhancement known as a crotch-rocket throttle will be subsiding as the cold air will make them shrivel back to the garage for winter storage.

Even with the fall season eliminating numerous annoying elements leftover from summer (sadly, the UND pride card is still with us), this semester brings more than just cooler temperatures to campus.

While the French fry feed is over there are still plenty of events on and off campus to keep our minds off the fact that we really haven't played a genuine D1 team yet. There's the Potato Bowl Parade, which means Fighting Sioux football, which means tailgating, which means respectful early morning drinking [pop]. There's also the Night Life events where, on top of free food, one can engage his/her fellow peers in a climactic battle of wits involving fake plastic guitars over a $10 gift card from Home of Economy (I used mine to purchase hunting ammo!). And who can forget the real event of fall season; the North Dakota/Minnesota religion that is hockey.

So even if you're getting the fall time blues just know there is stuff to do, prizes to be won, and teams to cheer on.

Fall semester is here at last. Busch Light? No thanks, I'll pass; wake me up when September begins!
(Hey, at least we didn't reference Boulevard of Broken Dreams or anything from Hannah Montana)
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