They call me Mr. Pig!

Jul 27, 2008 15:22

Chinese buffets are evil.
They're food is evil.
They lure you in with delicious food and then by the time your done eating you feel horrible.

Why do people have middle names? What's the point of them? You never use them. I don't even know half of my friend's middle names. I think I know like...two. Or three. Or five. That's less then half. See. No reason. And they're usually always something like "Elizabeth" "Ann" or "Marie" it seems like. I even have one of those boring middle names. I even have a BORING name. Every Sarah is a Sarah Elizabeth!

Middle names just leave me confuzzled.

So, when me and my mumsie were at the Chinese buffet, there was this group of three old people, one was a lady, and the other two were men. And the men were both on one side and the lady was on the other, and usually couples are on the same side when they're with other people, but I figured one was the husband and the other was just a friend. It makes sense. I don't know why I cared so much. Then I started listening in on their converstation because the lady was reeaallly upset by something and I, being curious, just had to know what they were talking about! I didn't hear much.  She said "what does she prove by doing that? What is wrong with her? Does she know what she did? This is horrible! Who does that?" Then about ten questions later she pulled out a big "that's BS!" Except she said the real word, and being the good little innocent girl I am I don't repeat such harsh language. But I was dying when I heard it. I was shocked. I thought old people are like "Don't say that dear. There's no need." when people say things like that! Gee. 
So, it reminded me of when I was about eight, and my grandpa was taking me school shopping, and some guy passed him on the road, and he was like "ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING? YOU'RE EFFING SH--! He's Sh--. Sh--y effer." And he said it like he was trying to impress me by saying such foul language! I WAS EIGHT! That's the first time I ever heard someone say those words! I was tramatized. AND IT WAS MY GRANDPA! I WAS EIGHT! And he thought that I was gonna laugh and say "dag, grandpa! You cool!" No. No.

I just don't know the elderly anymore.

So,  (I start my sentences with "so" a lot, don't I? I should stop that. I will. Re-start the sentence.)

There's been lots of robberies I guess in my neighborhood lately. (See, Sarah? That wasn't so hard. It even looks better!) I don't know why. This isn't even a rich neighborhood. It's like, lower/middle class. Full of ghetto kids and white trash. Anyway, I was like, scared to death last night. Shannon said she should put her Ryan Stiles cut out in the window to scare away robbers 'cause that's what her friend Beth did. She didn't. And was about to fall asleep on the couch and I woke myself up and was like "I'M IN FRONT OF A WINDOW! SOMEONE COULD SEE ME AND WALK IN HERE WITH A GUN!" 
True story.
No one did, of course. It was just me being paranoid. Still.

"Paranoid" looks like "Poloroid".

Well. That's it for the day.

middle names, oh the elderly!, chinese food, bamboo house, what is point?

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