Jul 24, 2008 13:53

 I have a really, really weird, kind of funny story to tell you that happened last night.
So, it was like, 4:30. In the morning. I was dead tired. I was going to my bed. Now, I have one of those CD players that fit 5 CDs. I opened it up to put a CD in and take another out. Well, after I opened it and turned to my dresser for a moment I heard a clinging noise. The Simba toy (the ones you can get from McDonolds.) fell in. I ran over and I tried to stop it from reaching it's fate at the deep end where the playing CD lies...I was too late. So, I took this broken hanger I found in the bottom of my closet to try to, you know, just tug it closer so I cen get spoons and scoop it out. It really just made the hanger fall in and Simba go deeper. I was freaking out, because, well, not because of Simba, I couldn't give a crap about him, but because my CD player was broken! So, I had to bring the old CD player from downstairs, and I fell asleep. I woke up. And it was fixed!! I don't know if it plays, but, Little Simba and that Nasty Hanger came out!

I have a picture of Simba stuck in there. I took it with my phone. The stupid website for me to use to get it off isn't working, so I'll have to show you another time!

oh woooww that was a clooosee one!, aaaaaahhhhhdyuryeus;dns, siiimmbbaaa!!!!!, if i have to bedazzle this one more time, what the fricka frack?

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