It'd be so nice to look out the window and see the leaves on the trees begin to show.

Dec 29, 2008 23:15


Just yesterday I was all, "gee, it sure feels like Spring." and then I walked over to the window and ALL THE SNOW WAS COMPLETELY MELTED. And the sun was shining bright and it even SMELLS LIKE SPRING.
Still does.
This is how it SHOULD be.
During Christmas time it can snow all it wants. After Christmas it can melt away.
And that has been my philosophy all these years. And this year mother nature FINALLY listened to me.

God, don't make it snow again.
Not until November.
Gee, wouldn't that be swell?
Al Gore may be right about this global warming crap after all.

Nah. It'll snow again. That'd be impossible. It snows until March here. It won't stop in December this year.
I will enjoy it while it lasts.

It's really windy, though. Our pipe-thingy-mabobber blew off.
I almost fell over!!
But that might be more from the clumsy-ness then the wind.
I blame both.

Silly puddy is amazing.
I got some in my stocking and it is SO FUN.
It's like clay. Except it doesn't stain your clothes and make your hands feel gross.
I like it. It's fun.

global warming can't come soon enough, spring, silly puddy

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