The guide to all of my fan-fiction.

Dec 16, 2010 22:00

Every one of my stories that I have written will be linked to this table. I am spending time in trying to gather all of them up so I can access them easily and successfully.

Last updated: May 5, 2011; 10:25 PM (US Central time)

Led Zeppelin:

Title: Upon The Ice
Pairing: Jimmy/Robert
Rating: G
When: January 1969
Word Count: 200
Summary: Jimmy is jealous that he doesn't have anyone to spend the holidays with.
Disclaimer: I don't own Zeppelin because slavery is illegal.

Title: The Reluctance of The Unwilling (ch. 1 and 2), Ch. 3
Pairing: Jimmy/Robert
Rating: R
When: 1969
Word Count: Ch. 1 (2,272), Ch. 2 (2,576), Ch. 3 (3,057)
Summary: Jimmy requests that Robert come to his room to show him something.
Disclaimer: This is all made up.

Title: Everyone Needs A Ventilator
Pairing: Jimmy/Robert, implied Jeff Beck/Jimmy
Rating: PG-13
When: Late 1968
Word Count: 881
Summary: Jeff realizes that there is something else in Jimmy's life that could possibly steal him away from Jeff for good.
Disclaimer: Fake, fake, fake, fake, and more fake.

The Beatles

Title: The Proposition
Pairing: John/Paul
Rating: PG-13
When: 1964
Word Count: 3,149
Summary: John comes to Paul and makes a deal with him, but it will eventually backfire.
Disclaimer: The Beatles aren't mine, and they are thankful for that.

The Rolling Stones

Title: 10 Song Challenge
Pairing: Keith/Mick, implied David Bowie/Mick
Rating: G - R
When: 1964 - 1977
Word Count: 1,203
Summary: 10 songs are used to help give in-sight to Mick and Keith's lives.
Disclaimer: It DIDn't happen.

Title: Absence
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: 1976
Word Count: 3,056
Summary: He looks like see-through plastic.
Disclaimer: If I owned the Stones, they would hate me forever.

Title: A Friendly Interference
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: During the making of 'We Love You' in June of 1967
Word Count:  2,579
Summary: Mick and Keith make a video for 'We Love You' and that's not all they make.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, this never happened.

Title: A Guitar and A Woman of The Night
Pairing: A mystery.
Rating: R
When: Late 60s - early 70s
Word Count: 1,944
Summary: A guitar player starts becoming curious with a common prostitute.
Disclaimer: Not real, even though it's AU.

Title: An Ideal Partner
Pairing: Keith/Ronnie
Rating: PG
When: 1975, when Ronnie first joined the band.
Word Count: 395
Summary: He could surely get used to used to it.
Disclaimer: Not true one bit.

Title: A Not So Done Deal
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: March - April 1969
Word Count: 5,135
Summary: “I got a challenge.”
Disclaimer: DIDn't happen. Sorry folks.

Title: A Series of Fortunate Events
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: 1970
Word Count: 5,066
Summary: They would notice Mick Jagger and Keith Richards sucking face on the dance floor.
Disclaimer: Not one bit of this is true.

Title: Between The Lines of Fear and Blame
Pairing: Keith/Mick, implied Brian/Mick, implied Gram Parsons/Keith
Rating: R
When: Nellcote, France, mid - late 1971
Word Count: 6,250
Summary: "Does it make you jealous, Mick?”
Disclaimer: As much as I want it to be real, it's not.

Title: But Why?
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: T
When: Late 1968
Word Count: 2,737
Summary: Keith questions the relationship between himself and Mick.
Disclaimer: Never  happened, as in pure fiction.

Title: Clouds Are In My Coffee
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG
When: 1965
Word Count: 1,525
Summary: Keith gives Mick some cheer with the lonely holidays.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Stones.

Title: Contradictions
Pairing: Keith/Mick, implied het.
Rating: PG-13
When: 1971, during the 'Exile' sessions
Word Count: 1,151
Summary: “Besides,” Mick says as he trailed a finger down Keith’s chest, “you’re a man. How can I love another man when I don’t swing that way?”
Disclaimer: Nobody in the story is owned by me.

Title: Dancing Along The Needle
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: 1976
Word Count: 2,310
Summary: Until death, Mick would always be there for Keith.
Disclaimer: It happened... in my mind.

Title: Dreams Set In Motion
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: Late 1968
Word Count: 4,520
Summary: The dreams that Keith has been having finally tip the scale for Keith.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Stones, unfortunately.

Title: Face Up To Me
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG-13
When: 1970
Word Count: 1,072
Summary: “Here it’s been almost a full year since I’ve had it but I can’t even say it after all this time. God, I’m so fucking pathetic."
Disclaimer: It DIDn't happen.

Title: I Don't Want To Believe You
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: 1975
Word Count: 2,052
Summary: "I ain't room service Mick."
Disclaimer: Not one bit of this is true.

Title: Fancy The Bathroom?
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: June 27, 1967
Word Count: 2,074
Summary: Mick and Keith use their time before the court-date is set.
Disclaimer: The date is true, but the story isn't.

Title: Happy
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: Early 1972
Word Count: 4,073
Summary: Keith proposes an idea while he has to sing 'Happy'
Disclaimer: If I owned the Stones, they (especially Mick and Keith) would never forgive me..

Title: It's The Desire, Isn't It?
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: T
When: 1972
Word Count: 381
Summary: "Sing for me, Keith!"
Disclaimer: Fake, fake, fake, fake. Faaaake,

Title: In Knee Deep
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: Early 1971
Word Count: 2,182
Summary: A night of drinking leads Mick and Keith to act.
Disclaimer: Faaaaake.

Title: I've Got No Expectations
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: R
When: December 6, 1969 (again)
Word Count: 2,208
Summary: It frightens Mick to know that he can't always keep the crowd in control.
Disclaimer: There are true events in here, but it's all faaaaaaake.

Title: Jazzed In A Bentley
Pairing: Keith/Mick, implied random girls/Mick
Rating: R
When: December 1968, after 'Beggar's Banquet was released.
Word Count: 4,241
Summary: Keith and Mick bump heads in Keith's Bentley.
Disclaimer: Made up for my pure amusement.

Title: Know Your Place
Pairing: Andrew Loog Oldham/Mick, Keith/Mick, implied Brian/Keith
Rating: R
When: 1964
Word Count: 3,039
Summary: A grin splits Andrew's face, roguish and sadistic, as he is pleased.
Disclaimer: The Stones would have lost their sanity if I owned them.

Title: Lessons Learned
Pairing: Charlie/Mick
Rating: R
When: 1971, before 'Exile' begins.
Word Count: 3,391
Summary: Charlie wants to teach Mick a lesson after running his mouth one too many times.
Disclaimer: If owned the Stones, they would hate forever.

Title: Let Me Show You The Torture of My Squares
Pairing: Keith/Mick, non-con male OCs/Mick
Rating: Hard R
When: 1975, when Hell's Angels set about to kill Mick because of the Altamont event.
Word Count: WIP
Summary: A sudden tidal-wave of nausea hurled through his body as it finally recognized the hits landing on his flesh.
Disclaimer: The sanity of the Rolling Stones would have died already if I owned them.

Title: Not Like That
Pairing: Keith/Mick, Marc Bolan/Mick
Rating: PG-13
When: First half of 1971
Word Count: 1,353
Summary: Keith is upset, and for reasons he's not sure of.
Disclaimer: Fake, fake fake.

Title: On A Sunny Afternoon
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: Borderline R/T
When: July 5, 1969
Word Count: 2,440
Summary: While playing the free concert at Hyde Park, Keith notices something.
Disclaimer: I don't own them because slavery will get me jail time.

Title: One of These Days
Pairing: Gram Parsons/Keith/Mick in various combinations
Rating: R
When: 1971, during the 'Exile' sessions
Word Count: 3,000
Summary: However, somewhere in this predicament, there could be song that is waiting to be discovered.
Disclaimer: Mick's possessiveness over Keith is true, but the rest isn't.

Title: Shards of Glass
Pairing: Brian/Mick
Rating: Light R
When: Early 1969
Word Count: 2,222
Summary: It's a wonder how a small amount of time makes a huge difference.
Disclaimer: Fake, fake, fake. Didn't happen.

Title: That's Your New Job
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG-13
When: 1964 - 1968, 2006
Word Count: 2,689
Summary: It was as if his job for drumming had morphed into giving something akin to counseling.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Stones, etc, etc, etc.

Title: That's Why I'm Here
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: T
When: 1976
Word Count: 935
Summary: Mick knew he should not have been surprised.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Stones and they are thankful for it.

Title: The Inspector
Pairing: Keith/Mick, implied Keith/Gram Parsons
Rating: PG
When: Nellcote, France, mid - late 1971
Word Count: 250
Summary: This is going to be a long summer.
Disclaimer: About as real as people walking through walls.

Title: The Lure of Tender Brutality
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG-13
When: 1964 - 1969
Word Count: 1,501
Summary: “Sometimes it’s a wonder to why you don’t hate me,” Keith says daintily into the air.
Disclaimer: Pure fiction, people.

Title: The New Boy
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG-13
When: 1969, when the Stones rented out Stephen Stills' house and a few others.
Word Count: 1,744
Summary: Mick Taylor is the new kid and sometimes that can be a pain.
Disclaimer: Faaaaaaaaaake: as in it never happened

Title: The Persuasion of Many Colors
Pairing: Keith/Mick/Brian in different combinations.
Rating: Currently PG-13
When: Early 1967
Word Count: WIP
Summary: Since Mick had never taken acid, Keith and Brian believed he wasn't at their level of thinking. Brian and Keith have been trying to persuade Mick to join them in taking acid, and Mick, naturally wary, needs persuading.
Disclaimer: Though based on true events, this never happened.

Title: Untitled
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG, overall R.
When: The Rock 'N' Roll Circus, December 11, 1968
Word Count: WIP
Summary: It's 4 AM and Mick tries to find a solution to staying awake
Disclaimer: This'll never happen.

Title: We Shouldn't Think About It
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: PG-13
When: December 6, 1969
Word Count: 1,777
Summary: The night of Altamont.
Disclaimer: Their sanity thanks me for not owning them.

Title: We’re Down By The Sea Shore (NEW)
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: G
When: Early 1969
Word Count: 2,745
Summary: Mick thinks back to the beginnings of his and Keith's relationship.
Disclaimer: This DIDn't happen.

Title: Wouldn't It Be Nice?
Pairing: Gram Parsons/Keith/Mick in various combinations
Rating: R?
When: 1971, during the 'Exile' sessions in Nellcote.
Word Count: 4,962
Summary: Nevertheless, this is how Nellcote was turning out.
Disclaimer: LOL NOT TRUE.

Title: You Should Say It Right Now
Pairing: Keith/Mick
Rating: Light R
When: Early - mid 1971
Word Count: 2,697
Summary: Dealing with Keith and his muse is what Mick must endure until time ends.
Disclaimer: Not true in the least.

The Who

Title: Aren't We All Thick?
Pairing: Pete/Roger
Rating: R
When: 1970 - 1971
Word Count: 2,749
Summary: Roger gets fed up with the tension with him and Pete. He decides to take action-- but does he regret this action?
Disclaimer: These facts were made by my mind

Title: Meet The Band, Fight The Women
Pairing: Implied Pete/Roger, implied Pete/Mick Jagger
Rating: PG
When: 1964
Word Count: 1,000
Summary: Pete waits for the band and takes into account he'll have to fight off the girls around him
Disclaimer: Not a lick of this is true,

Title: Pestering For Some Sweets
Pairing: Pete/Roger
Rating: R
When: 1970
Word Count: 3,850
Summary: Keith pesters Pete to buy Halloween candy, which would turn out to have fabulous results.

Title: The Angry Seduction of A Muse
Pairing: Pete/Roger
Rating: R
When: 1970 - 1971
Word Count: 2,570
Summary: A tense recording session comes to a bitter stand-still after feelings are revealed.
Disclaimer: IT'S NOT REAL.

Title: Tommy Can You Here Me?
Pairing: Pete/Roger
Rating: PG
When: Late 1968 - early 1969
Word Count: 660
Summary: Roger's obliviousness can be really inspiring.
Disclaimer: Not one bit of this is true.

Misc. Slash

Title: A Day At The Circus
Pairing: Pete Townshend/Mick Jagger, implied Keith Richards/Mick Jagger, implied Pete Townshend/Keith Moon
Fandom: The Who/The Rolling Stones RPS
Rating: R
When: December 11, 1968
Word Count: 5,842
Summary: Pete becomes flustered at the Circus.
Disclaimer: Though Pete's crush on Mick is true, this story is not.

Title: A Night From The Cellar
Pairing: John Lennon/Mick Jagger/Keith Richards in various combinations
Fandom: The Beatles/The Rolling Stones RPS
Rating: T
When: 1968 - 1969
Word Count: 1,561
Summary: John reminisces about the night before.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, please don't sue.

Title: An Elegant Encounter
Pairing: David Bowie/Mick Jagger
Fandom: Music RPS
Rating: G
When: Mid 70s (AU)
Word Count: 517
Summary: David steps inside a hotel thinking it'll be the same as the last one.
Disclaimer: Even though it's AU, it's still faaaaaaake,

Title: Clip Our Wings Before We Fly Away
Pairing: David Bowie/Mick Jagger
Fandom: Music RPS
Rating: PG-13
When: 1975 - 1976
Word Count: 1,098
Summary: David is there to help hold Mick's head up.
Disclaimer: Mick and David never had a steamy romance-- or so they say they didn't.

Title: Come On In My Kitchen
Pairing: Chas/Turner, Pherber/Lucy, implied Pherber/Chas, implied Pherber/Turner
Fandom: Performance/Movie RPS
Rating: R
When: 1968
Word Count: 2,701
Summary: Passing the time in a sweltering basement.
Disclaimer: This never happened. All part of my imagination.

Title: Come One, Come All
Pairing: Chas/Turner
Fandom: Performance/Movie RPS
Rating: Light R
When: 1968
Word Count: 1,883
Summary: A stranger wonders what happens at that location of 81 Powes Square.
Disclaimer: This DIDn't happen, unfortunately.

Title: Everything's Fine (Or So We Want To Think)
Pairing: David Bowie/Mick Jagger
Fandom: Music RPS
Rating: R
When: 1974
Word Count: 1,280
Summary: David likes to see when people are vulnerable.
Disclaimer: It happened in some alternate universe that doesn't exist.

Title: Fortunate Circumstances
Pairing: John Lennon/Mick Jagger
Fandom: The Beatles/The Rolling Stones
Rating: PG-13
When: 1964, before the Beatles set off to America
Word Count: 3,014
Summary: John is tired from running away from the girls that chase him and finally does something about it.
Disclaimer: As usual, it's fake.

Title: I Don't Like Second
Pairing: John Lennon/Mick Jagger
Fandom: The Beatles/The Rolling Stones RPS
Rating: R
When: 1968, before 'Jumpin' Jack Flash' was released.
Word Count: WIP
Summary: "The more I cut you, the more you slow down and it will be all the more easier to take you down,” John had grinned at him.
Disclaimer: If I owned them then I wouldn't need to write this.

Title: It's Hard To Tell
Pairing: James Fox/Mick Jagger
Fandom: Actor RPS
Rating: R
When: During the shooting of 'Performance' during August - October 1968
Word Count: 5,268
Summary: "I'll be back. Don't go off anywhere."
Disclaimer: It's all true... in my mind.

Title: Red on the Tiles
Pairing: John Lennon/Mick Jagger
Fandom: The Beatles/The Rolling Stones RPS
Rating: R
When: 1970
Word Count: 1,051
Summary: John gets rid of the competition at any means possible.
Disclaimer: For the sake of both bands, this didn't happen.

Title: Untitled
Pairing: John Lennon/Mick Jagger
Fandom: The Beatles/The Rolling Stones RPS
Rating: PG-13 , eventual R
When: Early 1969
Word Count: WIP
Summary: Mick finds John in a studio room and probes John to why he's pissed.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these people, sadly.

Title: You're No Better Off Than We Are
Pairing: John Lennon/Mick Jagger, John Lennon/Paul McCartney, Keith Richards/Mick Jagger
Fandom: The Beatles/The Rolling Stones RPS
Rating: R
When: 1968, November
Word Count: 6,549
Summary: “Say, Mick,” John said as a matter of fact. “I have a deal I’m willing to make with you. Care to listen?”
Disclaimer: Some aspects of this story is true, bu the story is fake.

Title: Waking Up Is The Hardest Part
Pairing: Ray Manzarek/Jim Morrison
Fandom: The Doors RPS
Rating: PG-13
When: 1972, after Jim's death.
Word Count: 2,087
Summary: Ray is still adapting to a life without Jim.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned the Doors, but I have no money for it.

Title: We're Flying High Again
Pairing: Jimi Hendrix/Jim Morrison
Fandom: The Jimi Hendrix Experience/The Doors RPS
Rating: R
When: 1967 - 1968, at a party
Word Count: 5,043
Summary: Jim says some provoking thoughts to Jimi.
Disclaimer: I don't own dead rockstars.

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