if you read this on myspace already im sorry..deal

Apr 16, 2006 06:46

ok did i miss something?

where are all these super sensitive assholes sayin someone cant say happy easter?
christmas time you couldnt swing a dead cat without hittin one of these nutjobs saying" you have to say happy holidays" or "you cant take jesus out of HIS holiday" i mean i almost got into a fightfight with a trucker over me saying happy holidays and now everyone is saying "happy easter" "you have a happy easter" and noone cares?
ok and a friend i have is jewish and said they dont celebrate easter..just passover..i said "Fuck man!, you should be celebrating your ass off on "good friday". i mean you should celebrate your win overe the "deceiver", right?"

and speakin of which how is that friday good? i mean i can see the sunday homie came back as good but the day he died, the world went black and he said his father had forsaken him? thats good? it needs a new name..one that doesnt bullshit people.....wait, is black friday taken?

and while im on my lil soapbox here..
ok death on the cross is long drawn out painful agonizing way to go much less with a bunch o thorns on yer head, right?
ok now lets say the stories are true and you died this way and then after screwin around and bee boppin around heaven for a millenia or two you pop back to earth. and everyone is wearin lil crosses around there necks and most got pictures of crosses with thorny crowns around a heart on em..and some got statues of you actually dying on the damned cross.
ok a few questions
A. you would see these people as being on your side when they seem to be enjoyin your painful earthly end?
B. after dying all slow and shit like that on the cross, wouldnt a cross be the last thing you would ever want to see again?

just pondering..
whole damn thing dont make sense
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