Nov 28, 2005 01:13
001. What is your name? Matthew
002. Spell your name backwards: Wehttam
003. Date of birth: The 8th of December, 19 hundred and 86.
004. Male or female? Male
005. Astrological sign: Sagitarius
006. Nickname: Matt Matt?
007. My profession: Samurai?
008. Height: 5'8
009. Weight: 160
010. Hair color: Brownish
011. Eye color: Green and Hazel.
012. Where were you born? Queens
013. Where do you reside now: New Paltz
014. Age: 19 in less than 2 weeks.
015. Screen names: xCaptainxMattx
016. Are you online often? I don't log my screen name off, but I'm not actually on.
017. What does your screen name stand for? Um... if I were a pirate, I'd be Captain Matt
018. What is your diary name? Hmm... good question. I don't know.
019. What does your diary name stand for? -.-
020. Pets: Whitney. A very silly golden retriever.
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: I don't fucking know.
022. Piercings? None anymore. Had 7 total, at various times. Eyebrow, Conch, Industrial (2 helix), 3 lobe.
023. Tattoo's? Two.
024. Shoe size? 9 1/2 to 10
025. Righty or lefty? Right
026. Wearing: Plaid pj pants and a red t-shirt
027. Hearing: Jon, on the phone with Rachel, at 12:30
028. Feeling: Tired
029. Eating/drinking: Nothing.
Which one of your friends is the....
030. Craziest? Gabe
031. Loudest? -.-
032. Nicest? -.-
033. Bitchiest? -.-
034. Life of the party? Gabe? He's a funny little drunk
035. Jock? -.-
036. Prep? Martin
037. Rebel? Gabe
038. Cutest? Gabe in a funny little drunk kinda way
039. Best friend of the same sex? Gabe
040. Best friend of the opposite sex? Mel Mel.
041. Most popular? Martin
042. Rudest? -.-
043. Most shy? Gabe
044. Dumbest? Jon?
045. Smartest? Hmm.
046. Weirdest? Gabe
047. Has the best hair? Gabe, when he has hair.
048. Best personality? Haha. Personality. That's a joke.
049. Most talented? Um... Mel Mel can do lots of things. But she's not really a 'friend' per se. She is my best friend, but that's to be expected.
052. Drama queen? -.- We don't like drama. Me and my 2 friends.
054. Funniest? Gabe. But it's his actions that are funny. He's not trying to be funny.
055. Best advice giver? -.- I take my own advice.
057. Most likely to join a cult? Gabe. By far.
058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently? No? Jamie kinda?
059. Person you've been friends with the longest? Jamie or Gabe.
060. How many people on your buddylist? 21 including myself.
Pointless redundant bullshit. I love my Mel. More than life. The end. And yes, I believe in soul mates. And yes, I think I've found mine.
104. How many siblings do you have? 1
105. What are your parents names? Unnecessary.
106. What are your siblings names? Adam
107. How many siblings does your mother have? 1
108. How many siblings does your father have? 3
109. Where are your parents from? America
110. Is your family close? Yeah, my family life is good.
111. Does your family get together for holidays? Yep.
112. Do you have a drunk uncle? No?
113. Any medical problems run through your family? High Intellect. Seems to have skipped several generations and resurfaced in me though.
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? Nope.
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Nope.
116. Are your parents divorced? Nope.
117. Do you have stepparents? Nope.
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? Maybe?
119. If so for what? Don't know if we ever have.
120. Did some of your family come to the Canada from another country? Um... Canada? This survey obviously was made by a Canadien.
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? ...? What a dumb fucking question.
124. What song do you absolutely hate? Plenty of them. I can't pinpoint one thats worse than another.
125. Do you sing in the shower? Not recently.
126. What song reminds you of that special someone? Hmm. Monuments and Melodies, by Incubus. Heaven, by Firetheft, for sure.
152. Color: Red
153. Food: Um... bread.
154. Song: Anne by John Frusciante.
155. Show: TV blows.
156. School subject: School also blows.
158. Animal: Dogs and Wolves.
159. Outfit: Orangie sweater or brown blazer.
160. Radio station: Radio blows too.
162. Pair of shoes: Birks.
163. Cartoon: Old School Spiderman.
166. Potato chip: Tostitos?
167. Drink: Water. Tea.
168. Alcoholic drink: New Castle.
169. Holiday: Christmas.
170. Perfume/ favorite cologne: -.-
171. Pizza topping: Chicken
172. Jello flavor: Lime? Do they make that? I bet it's good.
173. Sandwich meat: Turkey.
174. Board game: Hmm. Monopoly was always fun, but no one plays. Chess.
175. Video game: XD FFXI^^
176. Website: Favorite website? when I actually have mail... cause its the FFXI bible.
177. Book: The Hobbit.
179. Number: 39
180. Cereal: Special K
182. Dessert: Pumpkin Pie.
183. Disney character: Hmm... Donald Duck.
184. Clothing store: Urban Outfitters, if I can afford it. Cause they have spiffy pants.
185. Pasttime: FFXI, IF I'm not spending time with Mel.
187. Childhood toy: G.I Joes
188. Carnival game/ride: ... I don't know. Carnivals are kinda lame now. I'll enjoy them again when I have kids in 10 years.
189. Candy: Chocolate covered coffee beans.
190. Magazine: Spin
191. Salad dressing: Ceaser
192. Thing to do on the weekend: Sleepovers with my Mel Mel.
193. Hot drink: Chai.
194. Season: Autumn.
195. Sport to watch: Hockey
196. Person to talk to online: Right... I don't talk online, only to Mel.
197. What color are your sheets? White.
198. What color are your bedroom walls? White.
199. Have posters on your wall? Yeah. Plenty.
200. If so of what? Bands and movies.
201. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? Yeah, assuming we're talking about school.
202. How many pillows are on your bed? Two.
203. What do you normally sleep in? T-shit and pj pants.
204. Describe your favourite pair of pyjamas: soft.
205. What size bed do you have? mini.
206. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? Um. Shitty-bed?
207. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? Yeah, dorm line. I share it with Jon I guess.
208. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? At home.
209. Describe the last nightmare you had: Scary.
210. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Mel Taru.
211. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? Not even one.
212. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? No
213. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? No, just a roomate.
214. Do you snore? Sometimes.
215. How about drool? A little.
216. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Nope.
217. What color is the carpet in your room? Earthtones.
218. What's under your bed? storage/laundry.
219. Coke/Pepsi: Water
220. Doughnuts/bagels: Bagels.
221. Day/night: Evening.
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west? -.-
223. Heaven/hell: Bullshit?
224. Make love/have sex: Mood.
225. Coffee/tea: Tea
226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: Turkey either.
227. Rap/rock: Rock is such a cliche. Rap is so stereotyped. I like Beck. I like Fatboy Slim. I like the Gorillaz. Those are considered rap. Nothing I listen to, besides the old stuff, like Hendrix and Zepellin, maybe some of Frusciante's new stuff, is actually rock. It's all bastardized sub-divisions of the entity formerly known as rock.
229. Swiss cheese/american cheese: American.
230. Real World/Road Rules: Bite me.
231. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: -.-
232. Silver/gold: Silver
233. Nike/Adidas: Adidas
234. McDonalds/Taco Bell: Taco Bell, once in a blue moon.
235. Sweet/sour: Sour, usually.
236. Punk/emo: If you wanna pigeon hole my music... emo. I like bright eyes a lot.
237. Hot/cold: Cool.
238. Winter/summer: Summer, since there will be no classes.
239. Spring/fall: Fall.
240. Operas/plays: Hmm. Plays. But good ones. Not this commercial junk. Dark, artsy, philosophical OLD ones.
241. Read/watch tv: neither, but reading is more productive.
242. CD's/Tapes: Cd's
243. DVDs/VHS: DVD
244. Old/new: Who gives a shit?
245. Shorts/skirts: Skirts.
246. Pink/red: Red
247. Color pictures/black and white photos: Both
249. Mexican food/chinese food: Chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: Commercials.
251. Scary movies/comedies: Comedies.
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: Birks.
254. Dogs/cats: Dogs
255. Unicorns/fairies: Faeries
256. Water/land: Both.
257. Sugar/spice: Spice
258. Black/white: Black.
259. Ribbons/bows: -.-
260. Chicken/beef: I don't touch beef.
261. Colored christmas lights/white christmas lights: Both.
262. Cars/trucks: Cars
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: Absolutely James Bond.
264. Popcorn/pretzel: Both.
265. Hip/hop: Hop. Like a bunny.
266. Passionate kiss/peck: Both.
267. WWE wrestling/ real wrestling: Neither.
268. Backrub/foot massage: Foot.
269. Picture frames/photo albums: Neither.
270. Pens/pencils: Pen
271. Eminem: Over rated and played out.
272. Sports: Hate them overall. Especially their impact on society, at the professional level.
273. God: Doesn't exist.
274. The Osbournes: Please. Waste some more of my time.
275. Reality TV: Isn't really reality.
276. J.Lo: She's still alive?
277. Religion: Bullshit.
278. Emo music: No longer a genre of music. Just a clothing style and a stereotype.
279. Valentine's Day: Can be sweet if you don't go overboard.
280. Christina Aguilera's comeback: Where's she coming back from?
281. Homosexuals: Shouldn't be viewed any differently than heterosexuals. Nor given any preference over heterosexuals. Nor advertise their sexual preferences.
282. Abortion: Support it. If you (and in some cases, your significant other) can square with it, than it's your choice and your's alone.
283. Interracial relationships: Um... Since when were Italian's and Germans the same race, but Italians and African's different? Interacial is a bullshit term. You mean different skin tone? Who cares?
284. Murder: Hmm. Murder is bad. Killing, virtuously isn't so much. We need to go back a few centuries. But virtue and chivalry are necessity to any kind of justified killing.
285. Death: Just the end.
286. Obesity: Control issues.
287. Pre-marital sex: A lot smarter than waiting to find out if you're compatible after you're married.
288. Terrorism: Fiction?
289. Pornography: Meh. Overall degrading.
290. Fortune tellers: Rarely genuine.
291. Threesomes: No thank you.
292. Prostitution: Your risk, not mine.
294. Country music: Thank god for it. Some of the key ingredients of folk come from country.
295. George W. Bush: Puppet for his administration's desires.
296. Cloning: Stupid when looked at as making a copy of an individual that can live and function. Beneficial when making organs and such that can save lives.
297. Britney's boobs: Are none of my concern.
298. Gas prices in Canada: Again, this survey must come from Canada.
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?...
299. Jack: of hearts.
300. Tiffany: bracelet.
301. Ben: Stiller
302. Mariah: Carrey
303. Jennifer: 4th grade.
304. Nicole: Aunt.
305. Amy: First kiss.
306. Adam: Brother.
307. Richard: Brad
308. Justin: Lockwood
309. Arnold: Football head
310. Tom: Bombadil
311. Melissa: Ethridge
312. Charlotte: NC
313. Harold: Kumar
314. John: Magic boy.
315. Joel: Billy
316. Vanessa: Hockey camp
317. Michelle: Brothers friends sister
318. Kevin: Klein
319. Brent: What an ass
320. Karen: Secretary
321. Billy: Bob
323. Natalie: Portman
324. Christy: Christian name
325. Nick: Asshole
326. Jordan: Michael
329. Jamie: Jamie
330. Adrian: Brody
331. Mooned anyone? No
332. Been on a diet? yes
333. Been to a foreign country? Mexico
334. Broken a bone? No
335. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? No
336. Sworn at a teacher: Plenty of times.
337. Talked to an LJ member via e-mails or instant messages?: Yeah, friends.
338. Gotten in a fight?: Yeah.
339. Dated a teacher?: ... stupid fucking questions. No.
340. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? Nope.
341. Thought about killing your enemy?: Everyday. Multiple enemies. Or not so much enemies. Just assholes.
342. Gone skinny dipping? No
343. Met another LJ member in the flesh?: Um, everyone whose journal I've read.
344. Told a little white lie?: No, only black lies.
345. Told a secret you swore not to tell?: Everyone has.
346. Used a foreign object to masturbate?: Whoever wrote this was a fucking moron.
347. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: No, I'm good at swearing. I've misused other words though.
348. Been on tv?: Yeah, kissed by Bert.
349. Been on the radio? No.
350. Been in a mosh pit? Inadvertantly.
351. Been to a concert? Plenty.
353. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? Mmhmmm. Mel Mel.
354. Decieved somebody close to you? Sure. Parents for one.
358. Been on a game show? No
359. Been on an airplane? Yes
360. Gotten to ride on a firetruck? Don't think so.
361. Came close to dying? Nah
362. Cheated on a bf/gf? Never
363. Gave someone a piggy back ride? Mmhmmm
364. Terrorized a babysitter? Nah, I was a good kid
365. Made a mud pie? No?
366. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff? No, but falling dreams frequently.
369. Had an eating disorder? No
370. Felt like you didn't belong? I usually most definitly do not belong.
371. Felt like the 3rd wheel? Yeah, we all do sometimes.
372. Smoked? Yep
373. Done drugs? Yep
374. Stolen money from a poor person begging on the street? No, but I yoinked like 80 bucks from those dumb girls guitar case. I mean... let's just throw money in her guitar case; she can't play or sing, but she has tits... She didn't deserve to pull in over 200 in a night. She was a rich cold spring harbor brat. Meanwhile, poor men in their 30's who have been playing guitar since they were 11 sit outside with an amp and microphone and play covers amazingly well and are lucky to make 10 dollars a night. Call me Robin Hood.
375. Had your tonsils removed? No
376. Gone to camp? Yes for hockey
377. Won a bet? Um... maybe like one of those, "I bet ya..." kind.
378. Written a love letter? Sure.
379. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? Yeah. Like... New Jersey? Or waiting a Summer? Those are minor and worth it, but yeah, I have.
380. Written a love poem? Yeah...
381. Kissed in the rain? Mmhmmm. Orientation with Mel Mel for one.
382. Slow danced with someone you love? Eh, kinda.
383. Participated in cyber sex? Sorta?
384. Stolen something from a store? plenty
385. Stolen a kiss? Um... plafully?
386. Asked a friend for relationship advice? Nope
387. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? No not really.
388. Watched the sunset/rise with someone special? Sure.
389. Gotten a speeding ticket? I don't drive.
390. Done jail time? Yeah, 10 years.
391. Had to wear a uniform to work? Yeah
392. Won a trophy? Yes
393. Thrown up in public? No
394. Bowled a perfect game? No
395. Failed/got held back? No.
396. Gotten perfect attendance in grade school? HAH. Hahaha.
397. Roasted pumpkin seeds? Not me personally.
398. Taken ballet lessons? No
399. Attempted suicide? No
400. Cut yourself? No
401. Did you play with Barbies? G.I Joe, bitch
402. Did you own Treasure Trolls? One, I think
403. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? Absolutely not.
407. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? Closet, I think, at one point.
408. Did you wear underwear with the days of the week on them? No...
409. Were you shy? I am shy.
410. Were you spoiled? Nah, but I had it good I guess.
411. Were you abused? Nope
412. Did you go to the circus? Yeah
413. Did you go to the zoo? Yes.
414. Were you in a car accident? Not as a child.
415. Did you build snowman? Many
416. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? Sure, when I was little.
417. Were your older cousins mean to you? Nah, especially Warner. He was awesome.
418. Did you think slinkies were cool? Yeah
419. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? Fuck yes.
420. Were you afraid of the dark? I am.
421. Did you have slumber parties? Nah, once in a while, maybe.
422. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, sleeping bags and pajamas? Definitly not.
424. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? Not really, but I refuse to let go of the idea of Santa at the North Pole. I'm fully aware he doesn't exist, but I live in faerie tales anyway.
425. Do you believe in aliens? Nah.
426. Name 3 things that are next to your computer: Amp. Tissues. Glass.
427. Any hidden talents? No
428. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? I coulnd't give a shit less
429. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? Lord of the Rings-ish.
430. What would your movie star name be? Matthew Fagnani. Or Matthew Crane if I do change it.
431. Do you play any sports? Not really. Hockey when I feel like it.
432. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? Hmm. I don't even know. Can't remember.
433. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? I <3 Huckabees.
435. Do you drive? No
436. What is your dream car? Meh, practical and classy.
438. Do others think you are good looking? I don't know. I'm not others.
439. Would you ever sky dive? Nope. Don't care for unnecessary thrills. I'm kind of content with my life. Wouldn't risk it the way it is now for anything.
440. Do you believe in Bigfoot? I don't know.
442. Are you afraid of roller coasters? Nah
443. Do you believe in God? Definitly not.
444. Do you believe in Satan? No
445. Do you believe there is a heaven? Since my grandmothers funeral... not heaven, but a place where our spirits reunite with our soul mate. Not a place we actually experience 'after life' in, just a place where the energies combine to finally form a whole.
446. Do you believe there is a hell? No. You make your own life into heaven or into hell. There is nothing after that.
447. Do you own a pool table? I would like to.
448. Do you have a pool? Yeah.
449. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? Yeah
450. Do you like chocolate? Yes
451. Who/what is on your 2005 calendar? Don't have one.
453. Ever wished on a shooting star? Yeah
454. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? The Flash. My mommy sewed the whole thing.
455. Do you carry any weapons on you? I would if swords were popular again.
456. What is your weakness? Um... I will sleep through any appointment if I'm tired enough.
457. Name something you can't get enough of: Mel Mel.
458. Do you ever want to get married? Of course.
459. How many kids do you want to have? 2
462. What is your ideal way to die? In bed with the love of my life when I'm old and wrinkly. Sleeping.
463. How do you vent? I don't really. Speak my mind, maybe.
464. Are you a trendy person? Meh. It must be a trend of some sort. Whose really unique?
465. Are you an artistic person? Artistic? Innovative in my thought process maybe. I wouldn't say artistic.
466. Are you a realistic person? Yes. Despite my faerie tale mental getaways, I'm extremely realistic and opt for practicality 99% of the time.
467. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No.
468. Are you a strong person? In some ways
469. Are you a strong-willed person? Sure
470. Who was the last person to e-mail you? Mel
471. Who was the last person to IM you? Mel
472. Do you hate chain e-mails? Yes
473. Are you a deep sleeper? Yep
474. Are you a good story teller? I don't know.
475. What do you believe is your best quality? Keen observationalist.
476. What is your greatest accomplishment? It's yet to come.
477. Do you like to burn candles or incense? Yeah
479. Do you have your own credit card? Debit
480. Let's say you win the lotto, what do you do with all the money? Buy everything my little heart desires, which would kill like, 1/18th of it. Buy everything Mel's little heart desires. Then put the rest away.
481. Do you have a checkbook? Yeah
484. What color is your hair naturally? Dirty Blonde
485. How many cavities did you have at your last dentist visit? None
486. Is the glass half full or half empty? It's half full.
487. Worst feeling in the world? I don't know. I have everything. I would hate to lost it. Oh, wait. Waking up for class.
488. Best feeling in the world? Sleeping next to Mel Mel.
489. Last website you were at? npmail
490. Last thing you downloaded? I don't download
491. Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life? No
492. What do you think people think of you? I'm an asshole
493. Are you a likeable person? No
494. Do you need therapy? Nope
495. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? No
496. What the best way to propose to someone? Romanticaly. Poeticaly? With good pretense?
498. Fed Ex and UPS were to merge: I took this survey just so I could answer this... Ready? Personally, I'd be Fed-UP, get it?
499. What's your favorite phrase? Um... Hmmm is probably it.
500. What are you thinking right now? Sleep.