Jun 16, 2009 13:47
The new jorb is interesting, to say the least. (Yes, I typed "jorb" on purpose. lol coach z) Not so much because of it being a tiny little place off of a side street in uptown Joliet, but because of the wank and drama that seems to be going on between the higher-ups there.
Let me first clarify this; my online training is done on a computer. The computer is in the receptionist (I think she's a receptionist)'s office. So I'm sitting just three feet away from her while she does her work. And unfortunately, she's loud, she bitches a lot, and she has a pathological fear of bugs, even the tiniest ones, of which we have a pretty decent amount of. So when she gets upset about something, I hear it all, and it's -very loud-.
Yesterday, just a half hour after I'd begun my computer training, the hiring manager walks into the office and this receptionist immediately starts screaming at her, "it's your fucking job to read these letters, don't put them on MY desk because it's not MY job", etc etc. After the hiring manager leaves, she gets on the phone with whom I assume is her husband and proceeds to gripe loudly about the dog crying to bet let out at one in the morning and it throwing up all over the house and ruining shit. Then she gets on the phone with some home loan company and carries on about her mortgage. All of this was quite a distraction, and because of it, my initial online assessment scores suffered.
Today, things were considerably quieter, that is, until the ants showed up. A few little picnic ants (those ittybitty ones) started crawling up and across the desk, and I paid no notice of it until five minutes later, when I hear an earsplitting scream. Miss Receptionist FLIES UP OUT OF HER CHAIR, flailing and screaming for some "Patrick" guy to come and smash them. He does so, while laughing and shaking his head somewhat. Five minutes of silence, and then she leaps out of her chair AGAIN. "There's another one!! Holy shit!! Patrick, get in here! Hurry!" So this Pat dude comes in and smashes some more ants. Meanwhile the receptionist has a hand on her chest and is gasping for breath like she's about to have a heart attack.
Yes. Let me reinstate. ANTS.
One last annoying thing she does is that while she's on her computer taking calls and answering e-mails, she listens to music. Normally I would find this pleasant except she listens to what seems to be the same three songs over and over again: Jack and Diane, Paradise by the Dashboard Light, and this other one I don't know. In that same order. AND SHE SINGS TO THEM. Thus getting them stuck in my head. I mean, I'm guilty of listening to some songs over and over, but not when other people are around to get annoyed by it.
Thankfully, my scores were better today than they were yesterday. And the job does have pluses. They order from local restaurants when lunch hour rolls around. Yesterday it was Aurelio's Pizza. Today it was Brown's Chicken and Pasta. I wonder what it'll be tomorrow. :3 The dress code is also "relaxed", meaning basically the same thing you might wear to school except for really short shorts, tank tops and halter/spaghetti-strap tops. So I don't have to get all dressed fancy-schmancy and I get free lunch. The hiring manager (the one who got screamed at, the one who interviewed and hired me) is also really nice, and even the screaming receptionist is nice to me, too. But it still makes me wonder just what sort of person she REALLY is.
Tomorrow is a supervised training session on one of the actual computers, and Thursday and Friday are my first two seven-hour workdays. I certainly hope they go well.