Jan 13, 2005 14:14
I am so bored!!!! Waiting for mr. kelly so i can get extra help. Ha i need extra help in alot more things than school. lol
I am such a moran and my life is so screwed up but thats ok because im fine just the way i am. So take that assholes who like to mock me specifically andrew watson. hehehe "oh watch out shes a witch! she's a real witch! She may put a spell on us!' HA Andrew i'll do more than put a spell on you!!!!
well sorry about that, a little unexpressed rage from something that happened monday morning. That was a real delayed reaction. Oh well at least i know someone out there will like me for who i am. I just have to find them and when i do...well...i don't know i'll just find them. Well im gonna go. Gotta do shitty ass geometry. Bye Bye for now.
I Love Tom!!!!!!