Jan 16, 2006 17:33
I just saw a picture of a man having sex with a chicken. And that same man eating feces.
I didn't mean to. I clicked a link that said to be aware that the picture could be anything, but I didn't think THAT. Yuck. Well I'll have to get over it I suppose.
Let's see how the day went...
Chambers was okay. We did horrible on our site reading though.
1st period was band and it was okay. Mr. Watt told us about how horrible we were at the basket ball game Friday. I wasn't there but for some reason there were only 9 people in the stands playing the National Banner. He got a lot of phone calls and e-mails and the word 'embarrasing' was used in all of them. :/
2nd period was English. We did a worksheet on logic. I didn't get it done. It was a fun class, but I wasn't paying attention at all. But I never do in that class.
During choir there was some guy from Montanna there because he's a choir director there and he came here because his sister was having surgery. Most of the choir wasn't there but we ran over some stuff anyway. Mr. Crouch then told us how embarrased he was of us because we weren't doing very well. Oh well.
Lunch was okay. Just sat around. Didn't really talk to many people.
During history the teacher wasn't there for most of the class. We just took notes and she made fun of this one kid like she always does.
During chemistry we took a test and I hope I did okay on because I now have an 80 in that class because I made s 53 on this lab write up we did. Almost fell asleep at the end of class.
During drama Mr. Helms was in a very bad mood. I dunno why. He seemed okay earlier in the day. Hopefully he'll be okay tomorrow.
Last period was math. Just went over our last assignment, took some notes and got an assignment. Then I got checked out early to go to the doctors.
Went there, sat around for an hour then went to talk to the doctor about different things.
1. Acne: My hormones are being pretty crappy to me lately.
2. Depression: I'm more depressed that I've been and we talked about possible upping my Efexor. He said not to.
3. Psychiatrist: I'm officially insane and should probably see someone about it.
4. I have agiant bruise on my back because Justin Roger fell on me. We just wanted to make sure I was going to die.
5. Had to get some blood drawn because I have anemia.
Then I went and ate some food and now I'm home. In about an hour I'm going to the gym. Need to start going there more.