Jan 04, 2006 22:08
I'm in an odd situation right now. I'm depressed for a lot of reasons but I don't feel like I should be depressed right now. I don't want to be, but I can't get out of the rut I'm in. I keep trying to make myself happy but then things come along (caused by myself or people around me) that just drop my attitude.
There are a few people (like 2) that keep making me feel one thing, then do something else to make me feel another. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I'll give an example. Say you were writing a report and your teacher proofread it and said it was the best one in the class, then, quite sadly, you make an F on that report with no reason as to why you made such a low grade. The teacher keeps telling how good you are doing on everything in class, yet you fail and are very depressed. That's the best I can do without actually saying what's going on.
My parents are also really pissed off at me for an array of reasons, so no one really likes me at this point. There are some people that talk to me, but they just don't seem truthful with what they are saying or doing.
I also had my first encounter the famous 'I'll call you, don't worry' and then never recieving a telephone call thing. It was some guy I don't really know, so I'm not upset. Actually kind of glad, but he still didn't call me so. You know.