I guess this is what that guide meant by experiments, right? Seems pretty harmless, from what I can tell. I think I'll be avoiding that wine in the fountain though...
Then again, making people randomly fall in love with each other... that's pretty powerful mind control. I wonder if it's drugs or if they're using some other method.
Anakin, were you still wanting to take a look at my vortex manipulator? I've tried opening it up, but it's apparently even more fried than I thought.
[Private, about 50% hackable since he's still getting used to this journal]
I really
shouldn't have done that. What was I thinking? He's the Doctor, not just another pretty face.
Then again, he went along with it... didn't expect that at all. Maybe it's just this place getting to us already.
[OOC: Event'd and not taken, so have at him if there's anyone left! TAKEN!]