You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows...

May 10, 2007 10:13

...but simply mayor Yuri Luzkhov. according to every russian i have talked to, the russian air force simply clears the skies over moscow so it doesn't rain on victory day (pretty much the biggest holiday in russia). apparently the russian air force seeds the clouds so they disperse before the firework celebration. sounds like crap to me, but its still pretty hilarious that everyone in this city believes it.

yesterday was victory day and it was a day that made me feel glad to be alive. i watched a giant, city-wide fireworks show to commemorate the 25 MILLION russians who died fighting the nazis. and then i was herded into the metro with thousands of patriotic russians. the metro was a microcosm of russia: hundreds of thousands of people, 4 entrance doors, but on two unlocked. and no explanation.

today i started the my morning early, teaching two russian businessmen about how the electoral college works at 9am.

then i played soccer in the rain with some canadians and two russian kids who were surely better than me.

and now i am wondering why some people have lots of things and others don't. and what i want to do about it, besides talk about it.
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