Apr 29, 2005 15:46
CptnGrim: How's the cartoon coming along, Ted?
BeanfunkJammster: lay off already
CptnGrim: geez, sorry
BeanfunkJammster: it's not enough I have to stroke your ego on an almost daily basis but now I've got to be your entertainment too?
CptnGrim: before you yelled at me that i wasn't supporting you creatively. now you're yelling at me for being too supportive. you artists are so sensitive. we normals just can't relate, huh?
BeanfunkJammster: it's true
CptnGrim: performance artists walk around with cucumbers shoved up their asses under the pretense of making a political statement and get huffy when normal folk say they don't get it. who wants to understand some cranky asshole with a light pen and a tablet?
BeanfunkJammster: yo momma sure does
CptnGrim: Picasso was reknown for his kindness towards others. Where does that leave you and your ilk, eh stinkbomb?
BeanfunkJammster: well, Picasso also liked to screw sheep, so what of that?
CptnGrim: forgive me for taking an aesthetic interest. i'm gonna go watch "the people's court" or "cops" or something.
CptnGrim: did you know Picasso did a cameo in "Caddyshack"?
BeanfunkJammster: oh yeah?
CptnGrim: Yeah, he was a...caddy.
BeanfunkJammster: nah, yeah?
BeanfunkJammster: I'm not really mad at you
BeanfunkJammster: I just want to take it out on you
CptnGrim: you called my bluff on that one. i didn't think you'd go there. why do you always do that to me?
BeanfunkJammster: oh, there's so much more I'd like to do to you, Big Boy
CptnGrim: Ok, I think we've gone from art to pornography here. I'd like to get out of this, if possible. Is that possible?
BeanfunkJammster: pornography? I was thinking about tilling your garden with salt when you're not home.
CptnGrim: Oh great, so I'm the pervert.
BeanfunkJammster: well, I am quite alluring