I kept getting this image in my head of a KA nature after listening to the first and the second to the last track clips from the Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack with it's very medievel church choir like sound. Ivory Novelist made some mention of the guys going to a monestary at some point and I kept thinking about that, especially after seeing some of the British churches - not nessicarly monestaries, but close enough. So I really wish I could get the preview bunny I have worked out to actually be a plot bunny. But here's the picture anyway, I scribbled it in Honours today while Dave was doing his powerpoint, so the line prespective is off since I couldn't see very well lol.
And for the non-KAers whol might be reading this haha, because I know there are some of you. Arthur would be the one kneeling and Lance is the one standing in the isile, watching, since Lance isn't a Christian. Which is why the monestary or taking refuge in any church I guess is an interesting idea, emphasising the difference between Arthur and his men. Weird.