Fire update

Jun 16, 2008 11:39

The fire is pretty much out, the latest report I saw said it was 90% contained.  For those who have never lived in a wild fire area, they don't really get put out like building fires, they get contained, and then they burn out on their own.  Some wild fires are actually really good and natural, because it burns through the old grasses and stuff and makes the soil furtile again.  It's a very natural process.  This one wasn't, they said that it burned too fast and very hot, and with the winds it made what they call a dirty burn, which is where it travels so fast that it doesn't burn all the fuel in the area.  That means that if the winds change, it could go back over itself and get bigger.

It was over 23,000 acres total that burned, which is crazy big.  I don't remember how big the one was that happened when I was twelve and we watched the hills glowing, but I think this one was bigger.  It was certainly more dangerous.  74 homes were lost, but there were no deaths and few injuries and as far as fires good, that's really good.

My dad drove on the road that I took to take those pictures last wenesday when we were coming home from dinner last night.  I could look down the canyon where it started and see the fire scars that stretched all the way up on the ridge.  It was huge.  The whole canyon was black.  I kind of want to go up there when it's completely safe and take some pictures to show the aftermath of fires.  But I don't want to go by myself because someone else has to drive so I can take pictures, so I don't know, maybe this weekend I can convince mom.

Anywho, for anyone that was keeping tabs on it, or praying for us, I appreciate it and I'm sure they do too.  Hopefully... God willing... that will be our only fire for this season.

god, stuff: fires

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