Church Lizard

Apr 28, 2014 19:25

This little guy was pretty cool. My mom thinks he was the same lizard we saw in the church back around November, slow moving and seemingly unafraid of people. Her theory is that he'd climbed up into one of the Easter lilies that had been placed in the church for Easter service, and that when my mom collected the lilies she'd paid for she picked one up with him in it, and that he'd climbed down onto her umbrella to get warm, because that's where she found him. He spent about 20 minutes hanging out on my palm - I held him in the sun until he became more active. His tiny eye squinted and studied me, and he refused to be put down into a bush despite my attempts to repatriate him to Nature. Finally, when he'd gotten warm enough, he slinked down my pants leg (I was sitting in the yard) and he eyed a boxwood bush to my right. He climbed out onto my shoe and I dipped that foot several times to encourage him to jump, and he did finally spring across into the leaves and disappear. I hope he has a long safe summer, he's kind of slow.

via ljapp

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