At last, the circle is complete...

Apr 03, 2007 17:35

Despite a day full of frustration, I managed to have one of those 'Eureka!' moments that sends you running naked down the street, fresh from the bath.

Last night I went and saw a double header of Bullitt and Hot Fuzz at the Varsity. Both films were FAN-tastic! However, upon returning home, I found that I had misplaced my house and car keys. After spending a fretful night worrying about having to replace my car keys somehow, I arrived at the Burke this morning fresh out of gruntles. Fortunately, it turns out that I had accidentally stuffed my keys into my bookbag which I intentionally leave in the museology student center during the week to avoid ferrying stacks of thesis research betwixt school and home.

While finding my keys was definitely a good thing, the negative energy generated by having lost them in the first place sent my focus all caddywampus. I likened the experience to trying to carry a big boulder called Thesis on my back. Suddenly Fate throws Lost Keys at me and bounces them off my melon. Because my emotional balance is already precarious under the weight of Thesis, I am sent staggering off course despite managing to catch Lost Keys at the last second. I then have to make a tremendous effort just to get myself back on course with Thesis before I can proceed. That was me this morning... ya dig?

This afternoon, I am still a little out of sorts from the key thing and trying desperately to write my section on IMAX as Museum Education. Trouble is, I can't seem to locate a key quote from an astronaut who said she was inspired to her spacey career by the IMAX film, The Dream is Alive. I KNEW I had seen the quote somewhere but just saying, "I read somewhere that IMAX leads to astronauts" doesn't cut it in Thesisland.

After shaking my fist and gnashing my teeth at the computer and my research to no avail, I decide to try the old Google. I manage to find a rather paltry quote from the Colorado Gazette which confirms my hunch. Not satisfied with the meager citation, I decide to plug the astronauts moniker, Susan Helms into the Googleatrix. BAM! POW! VOILA! An article from the Seattle P.I. states that not only was Astronaut Susan Helms inspired by the film, The Dream is Alive, but she saw said film at... THE PACIFIC SCIENCE CENTER.... AND.... wait for it... SHE LATER STARRED IN ANOTHER IMAX SPACE FILM! Like Pigpen proving the Caine-Hackman Theory, I did a pins and needles dance of joy. Educational validation! PSC IMAX begats Astronaut begats IMAX! Now, if only I can find some kid who was inspired by Helm's IMAX performance...

P.S. For you other thesisizers out there, The soundtrack to Amelie is the best music to type to.
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