oh well. No CA for me. They couldn't get an answer one way or the other for the clearance so they're gonna hold off, and I might go on the last go-around.
I'm thinking about ordering
this. It looks sweet but its expensive. Plus the sizing seems way off. The XL has a 21 inch chest measurement? seems small. Thinking about going clothes shopping this weekend. I haven't actual bought new clothes in forever.
Anyone wanna watch the Amityville Horror tonight. Been thinking about watching it.
I really need to clean my house. I really need to get out and do something interesting. Maybe I'll head up to the B&N and read something. Or maybe I'll make the back half of my car into a paper mache satan and set it on fire and drive down the street screaming at people. I dunno. Gotta find something.
I also realized I have no pictures of anything from the past million years of my life and I was kinda sad about that. I think I might buy some disposable cameras and just take pictures of people and places. Might be a good excuse to buy one of those point and click digital cameras I've wanted to get.