I've finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Everything I want to say has been and will be said over at
ovenmits, (who I shall not be calling Bella anymore because of, well, Bellatrix. anyhoo, Bella=Nora. from now on. and, well, years ago. so, back on topic.) due to our one-mindedness about so many things in the book.
The main reason of this post is more or less the same as my goodbye post to Pirates for AWE: the end of an era. except in this case, we are talking about such a bigger phenomenon, it hardly seems the same. Harry Potter has been an integral part of my childhood/youth, and now it's finally OVER. it's hard to wrap my mind around the concept. I'm gonna miss it. Not really the books, because being the wonderful objects they are, they can be reread over and over and over. I think what I'll miss most is the excitement leading up to the release, counting down 'till midnight in some bookstore, dressed like a complete fanatic, knowing that millions of people in your time zone are doing the same thing, just as millions of people east have done an hour (or two, or three, or...) ago, and millions of people west will be doing in the coming hours. Staying up all night completely focused on one thing, emotions utterly connected with the characters...conversations in the following weeks with almost-strangers, which should be awkward, but aren't really, because you're both talking the same figurative language and jointly revealing hidden levels of geekery.....
That's what I'm gonna miss.
*holds up cellphone lighter candle*