Title: Angel In My Arms
Pairing: Jason/Alex
Summary: Alex doesn't like to wake alone...
Rating: PG
Alex woke up feeling cold. He frowned. The heat he was so used to curling up against was gone. He edged to the right of the bed trying to find it but sighed when the sheets were cold. He spread his legs over to the right too, he could still smell him. He smiled and hugged the pillow. He squeezed his eyes shut trying not to let the sun wake him up even more. He heard foot steps and turned his head.
“You're awake.” Jason's soft voice smiled. Alex opened one eye and looked at him. “Hey, you okay?”
“Thought you left.” Alex mumbled.
“Hey, could never leave you.” Jason promised. He climbed back in bed and curled behind Alex. Alex turned so he was pressed tight against Jason, his head resting on his chest.
“Michael left me when i was sleeping.” Alex mumbled sleepily. Jason froze. He never knew that. He knew that Michael had left him without saying anything; he never knew that he had left him while he was asleep. It all made sense now. The way Alex had refused to sleep for weeks after and Jason had to give him sleeping pills just so he would get a good nights sleep. Jason had just put it down to Alex missing Michael... it made sense now; Alex was scared to fall asleep scared that when he woke up more people he loved would have left. Jason sighed and held him tighter.
“I'm never going to leave you.” Jason said strongly. “Always going to be here for you.”
“I know.” Alex said and pressed a kiss against Jason's chest. “You're not like Michael.”
“No. Not like Michael.” Jason said, he wasn't anything like Michael. He could never leave the angel in his arms.