Fifty-One Kings Slain (Voice)

Jul 01, 2009 00:41

I wonder... would it be considered better to be visiting the hospital to bring someone to be patched up by the doctors, or to be retrieving someone who had passed away and came back?

... I can see pros and cons in each, but it just was a thought that crossed my mind.

[He's walking home after helping Credo bring Luka to the hospital to get fixed ( Read more... )

balthier, hospital, ashelia, luka, her majesty, credo, being helpful

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clean_cuffs July 1 2009, 04:58:15 UTC
Do take care, Basch.

[Yup he's gonna be sitting at his desk, in a bit of a mood because he's hungry and low on MP and worried about Ashe and worried about Basch.

He's changed into his cotton pajama bottoms, and he's scribbling diligently on a sheet of scrap paper.]


[commentlog!] captain_basch July 1 2009, 05:05:01 UTC
[Was really close to home when he made that post, so he doesn't bother to reply back. He comes back into the apartment quietly, peering over to where Balthier is hunched over his little work area.]

Luckily the fiends were not hungry this evening.

[He says, walking over to Balthier. He stands just behind a shoulder, peering at what he's doing. Honestly none of it makes much sense to him. He just knows it keeps Balthier busy and he seems to enjoy it, when he's not grumbling because something isn't making sense/going right.]

Thank you.

[He says softly, since he's so close he doesn't want to startle Balthier. A warm smile will be present if Balthier does look back.]


[commentlog!] clean_cuffs July 1 2009, 05:21:58 UTC
[He is startled initially, but relaxes a little when he sees it's just Basch.]

What on Ivalice are you thanking me for Basch?

[Still, he's smiling just a little. It's not often he'll see Basch looking so happy though when he does it's quite a treat. One smile easily takes seven or eight years off the weathered man's face.]


[commentlog!] captain_basch July 1 2009, 05:24:21 UTC
I did not mean to startle you.

[His smile turns sheepish, if not apologetic.]

For helping those two. It was very kind of you.


[commentlog!] clean_cuffs July 1 2009, 05:51:03 UTC
It's fine, don't worry about it.

[It's a little ambiguous just what he means. Leaning back in his chair, he gives the knight a long, scrutinizing look]

I'm not the one who risked their life to see they made it home safely.

[He pushes his specs up the bridge of his nose, and with deliberate flourish, finishes whatever notes he was making on what appeared to be an intricate design.]


[commentlog!] captain_basch July 2 2009, 03:32:34 UTC
Not home, to the hospital. Luka, the one who was hurt, shall be staying a few nights I am sure. If his friend stays with him those days I know not. He seemed like he was planning on staying for a little while at least.

[It's always curious to see Balthier wearing his glasses. Basch had to admire how well they complemented his face, though he wasn't really anyone to know what did and didn't do things fashion wise. That would be Balthier.]

... since we have both done a good deed for the day, perhaps we deserve a night of rest.

[He says, heading into the kitchen. Basch isn't a big drinker but... it was a nice night and how things had been lately, a couple glasses would be rather nice. Of wine that is. Yes, that would be the wine Balthier saved when the water was wine for the day.]

Would you be interested in sharing a drink and perhaps conversation?

[He comes back to the pirate, holding up glasses in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other.]


[commentlog!] clean_cuffs July 3 2009, 04:10:01 UTC
[A good deed hmm? Balthier removed his glasses and placed them in their case.]

You seem as though you have to ask.

[Plopping onto the bed, he takes an offered glass, and gives Basch a quizzical look.]

You seem in a good mood. May I inquire as to the occasion?


[commentlog!] captain_basch July 3 2009, 04:33:10 UTC
I ask because I did not wish to interrupt your work if you wanted to do more.

[He smiles, watching Balthier as he makes to use their pull out bed as a seat. Following his idea, sitting on the opposite edge. At the question he glances at him.]

We have been through enough lately, a drink to relax for a night is not warranted?

Besides, I did not think a sky pirate needed reason or occasion for drink.


[commentlog!] clean_cuffs July 3 2009, 04:41:17 UTC
[A wicked, wry grin passes over his face]

Are you implying I'm a drunkard?

[His tone is jovial though, playful even.]

I have no qualms with that line of reasoning.

[He holds up his empty glass]

Would you do the honours?


[commentlog!] captain_basch July 3 2009, 04:57:47 UTC
If that is what it should imply? I merely did not think sky pirates needed reasons for drink, as they are free to do as they wish. Drink as much as they want any time.

Though are you saying you are?

[A slight curious smile. As Balthier holds his glass to him, he nods, opening the bottle and fills his glass, before doing so for his own. He plans on having a glass, maybe two. Nothing much. Just a little to relax and enjoy a good conversation over.]

Considering how you reacted when the water turned to wine before, I think I can take an educated guess that you are fond of alcohol.


Re: [commentlog!] clean_cuffs July 3 2009, 05:05:22 UTC
If to be more fond of fine wine than foul water is to be a drunkard, than I am no more than a lush.

[He raises his glass to Basch.]

To rare moments such as these. May they be a bit less scarce.


[commentlog!] captain_basch July 3 2009, 05:12:22 UTC
Hm. I can agree on that at least.

[The water was rather... lackluster in taste, hardly that healthy either he was sure. Moving a bit more onto the bed, he sits back, offering a nod and raises his glass in turn.]

Hopefully we can raise our glasses to something better soon.

[And he takes a drink.]


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