Apr 15, 2007 07:02
I'm pretty tired right now, so hopefully I am writing coherently enough.
Things have been kind of crap lately because I left my job, which leads to the inevitable fact that I now have no money. Now I need a new job, and soon to fix the whole 'no money' situation. New Alternator + New Brakes + Insurance payment due. I LOVE CARS.
I could fairly easily get another job in another restaurant, but I don't really want to head down that road again for awhile. Maybe I'll apply to Wegmans, blah.
I might go back to school in the fall and get some hardcore transferable classes out of the way, like biology. It is pretty late to apply to anywhere decent for the fall semester, so it just makes sense. Although, I'd rather stab a puppy in the face than mingle with most of the current social circle there (if you are reading this, I probably don't mean you.) After that is finally over, it is just a matter of what school is willing to pay me the most money to go there. I would go to Cornell if they actually had something I wanted to study. My grandmother went to Cornell, works at Cornell and both my Mother and Grandfather worked there as well. Yay? Whatever.
Bachelors degrees are starting to be relatively useless these days anyway, unless you are very specialized. First diplomas became useless (and they are, don't kid yourself), and now bachelor's degrees are heading to the same territory. This is an interesting quandary that I believe was created by the increased push in the 90s for everyone to go to college. Where once a four year degree separated you from the crowd, now you'd better be working on that masters if you want to compete in the race.
I'm going to give a little secret to anyone who doesn't realize it yet: College is bullshit. I graduated with high honors, presidents citation, etc, etc, and I don't remember a damned thing from Psychology 103 or English 201. Useless? No way. I can mark the little box on the application now that means my resume won't automatically be filed into the trashcan. Oh wait, I shouldn't fool my self. My degree is pretty useless for anything other than transfer. But I didn't go to there to get a degree. I went there to kick ass, and get cracked-out scholarships. Stage 1 complete.
That isn't to say I didn't enjoy my time there, quite the contrary. I have met some of the most carrying professors and staff you could meet. You just have to let them know you actually give a crap about your education. Which I do, despite my previous words :p