(no subject)

Feb 08, 2009 11:07

So this is how it happens. The one thing most comforting in my times of distress is now out of my reach. Just when things are getting better, I take a turn for the worse. I wish today was yesterday, and that I could start all over. Maybe I'd stand a chance at holding up the world instead of having it crash down upon me. It's over. Everything is over. Everything is over and I have nowhere else to turn. In times of this great an emotional low, I would turn to...
But not anymore. Not after what's happened. Now nothing will be the same. The smile may remain but lies and whispers creep quietly. Eyes shifty in the presence or... lack of one.
Where do I look now. Above there is nothing. Below there is less. Forward is filled with disappointment. I awoke to wishful thinking that was not so wishful. I'm still asleep, aren't I?
If you just told me yes... if you just told me... then everything would be okay. One moment. Just one. I don't know where to go from here. If my house were to burn up, I'd remain inside to save the embarrassment.
Don't leave... don't leave... don't leave... please, just don't leave. I promise it isn't about... but I know you think so.
Oh, what trouble I could have saved you.
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