Title: Scream
captain91Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing/character: Jack
Rating: G
Notes: written for the
challenge # 281: Lepidoptera
Warnings: weirdness!
Disclaimer: I do not own, or make any money from the use of, these characters.
Note: Based on a nightmare my mother had recently. Sequel to
Day off Beautiful neon blue. Graceful. He watched the abnormally large butterfly float across the hazy park.
Landed on his forehead, large wings flickering, like a book in the breeze. Wings hanging over eyes, tickling legs on forehead.
It turned around, not unlike a cat, he chuckled at the idea.
Ow, that pricked, he thought, butterfly's didn't hurt.
Legs jogging on spot, piercing skin deeper and deeper. Couldn't get it off. Legs deep in skull, digging through bone.
Jack screamed awake, felt his forehead. Nothing there. It was a dream. He flopped back to his pillow.
Emperor Skildara perched on the ceiling.