Original drabble

Aug 02, 2012 20:19

written for 100 drabbles of summer 2012
Muse: Tyrant, Ashton

Disclaimer: this picture was found on this blog post by a friend. I fell in love with it and asked a friend who makes miniatures if she could ask on some forums if anybody knows where it came from. Sadly nobody came forward, so I cannot give due credit. So if you made this or know who did, please email me so I can give credit.

I decided to write for it anyway as it inspired me so much, so I hope you approve.

Full size image under the cut

88) Author's choice:

88) Author's choice: Knight bracelet picture

"Second Pike battalion to f6," boomed Tyrant. A servant moved a piece on the board before them.
"Done, M'Lord."

Tyrant looked down at his hand, adorned with a metal bracelet, a large chariot and driver standing up from it, reins leading to four rings, each with a raise horse head. He slammed his hand down onto a peak on the board, a perfect replica of one valley in the kingdom.

*  *  *

Ash looked up, dread settling in his stomach. A troop of Chariots moved into the biggest open gap. He couldn't get Aire to safety now. He couldn't protect her now.

original character: ashton, charloft, original character: tyrant, 100 drabbles of summer 2012, original fiction

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