Charloft: Wednesday: Let's get simming!

Mar 21, 2012 21:09

I had a hell of a lot of fun with this prompt, I haven't really gone into that much detail creating a sim before. Anyway, on with the show!
This was written for a prompt at charloft, a writing community. Ashton and Ariella and both creations from an original novel of mine. I really enjoyed making them, seeing them come to life and play with the faces. I just wish I had a way to add a scar to Ashton's cheek.

Ashton: This is me and my sis Ariella. *whispers* I was really rather kind to her, she's a lot more --
Ariella: Oi! Like you can talk! You're not nearly that presentable! Why, I've seen zombies with more flesh on their faces!
Ashton: How d--

Mun *cough* excuse me? Not the time for arguing

Ashton: ok, ok, sorry (spoil sport). This is us just standing around in a field or… something

Ariella: Ok, my close ups can go first, save your brutishness for after!
Ashton: B…Brutish? I’ll have you know I’m rugged, manly, and battle worn!
Ariella: Yeah yeah… So here’s my full view, with my close up below. Some ape was a bit clumsy with the camera though and didn’t get my best side.
Ashton: Oi!

Ashton: Now can I have my turn? You’re depriving all those ladies out there of what they want. psst, I’m in room 108 of Charloft hotel, the door’s always open to a nice pair of -
Ariella: Ashton!
Ashton: I was gonna say legs! I swear it! Right, but my lovely pics. I tried for a chainmail and leather shirt, but it didn’t come out too well. I think my hair looks -
Ariella: Well you’d sure know how your hair looks, half the pics I took you were studying the mirror! Here’s Ash’s pics, before he starts jabbering again!

If you are interested in owning them you can find these sims here:
Household (both of them related)

Some of Ashton’s clothes are also there. He probably left them in his last conquest's bedroom...

charloft. wednesday, fanwork, the sims 3, charloft, fiction

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