Long time no see, hi all!
So, I got back from hell respite some time ago, but I’ve been flagging a bit on the whole doing stuff thing. I got out of the swing of things. I think I’m more in tune again, and hopefully you’ll see me more soon.
One of the tings I recently did was to join
charloft . I’ve had a rough couple of weeks so not much has been posted yet by me, but I like a lot of the prompts that I see so I think I’ll be doing more of them as time goes on. For those of you that don’t know they put up a prompt of some sort every day. The Monday one is for the author to answer, the rest of the week you answer as one of your characters.
I figured I’d post my prompts here as a cross reference and so this place has a bit less tumbleweed floating around! So, onto my introduction post:
What were your writing achievements in 2010? Feel free to link us to any pieces you are particularly proud of!
I have a very unsettled year, I spend several months in hospital/respite and had a bad period with my health that didn’t help me get much writing done. I got a few pieces of fan fiction finished and a good part of planning my first original novel done (yikes, making characters and worlds from scratch is harder than picking up ones form other people’s work!)
What was most important though was that I learnt about writing. I spent a lot of time studying both fiction and how to write guides picking up tips, methods etc. I hoe this is something I can use for a long time to come
What are your writing resolutions for 2011?
In 2010 I set myself quite strict writing guidelines: to write at least 1000 words every day. On a good day I can comfortably write a lot more than that, but I have more bad days than good days, so I fell behind, felt bad about it and the resolution got pushed under the carpet.
So this year I plan to write, or at least mentally plan something every day. This could be writing one sentence, or naming a character, or if I feel up to it writing several pages. I’m hoping by setting my goal low I’ll be able to stick to it this year, and build on past it most days. Here’s hoping!
I wish every one a brilliant year of writing in 2011, and I’m looking forward to using this community to help me achieve my goals.
And to everyone out there who still remembers me, yes, I am alive! Drop me a line and let me know how life’s been treating you, new storiues you’ve been writing etc
Take care