sugar nnnn spice

Sep 05, 2007 18:56

run pig run!! man tittiezzzXZ free fingz? apec! life!!! bugz livin in my insiedez!! ladiez!!! (lotz) lost interest. mellow. apathy. ignorance (towards all the right things). weight unknown. bit scary. life. life. stupid. im fit now? do you agree? no? i just want to be loved (by a man, look at what you started) no thats a lie. little grrlz who arent so little anymore and a whole bunch of homosexuality, a girl that dresses like a boy (or vice versa?) a boy who wears makeup? (or vice versa) dresses. and pretty. pretttty./ explosions. laid. grrlz. life. bad puntuation and grammer and spelling but awesome at life. happy. sad. apathy. meow. ate a cat. did ya know?? so they say chicks cant play? WHO GIVES A FUCK WHAT THEY SAY, ill bite YOUR kurb in a  minute hobag. fre way. kurt kobain journals and drrrty girls gettng clean. girls. little boyz dressed in dresses and shagging a chick more manly than me (all bits included). gross? nar im just cool. we all bit messed up in the end. but we gotta stay together. we arent doin it too well at the moment. too much acidsz in our brains but its sweet i want to get outta the state thats what i wanna do but i wanna stick togeva wit my ladieman and a bunch of LIFE (and by life i mean weed and youtube) (and by weed and youtube i also meannnnn wif HER (him?) (no, her) (<3) ))))
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