There's something going on with the kids. Something is using itself to channel themselves through the kids, using them to speak to us. I'm not getting through to the Ministry of Defense, they've got some kid working the phone lines who obviously wasn't prepared for anything like this when she signed up for this temp job there.
Here. Here's a video posted of it. What do you think?:
[The camera is focused on a little boy standing on the sidewalk. His mother is kneeling in front of him, trying to get his attention, but he's just standing there, stiff and still, eyes open wide and staring at nothing. She's begging him to please, stop it, but it's like the boy isn't listening to her at all. He's just staring.
Then, all of a sudden, he opens up his mouth, and a very high, very strange screeching starts to filter out. You can hear it echoed across the street, as the camera pans to show all the children around have stopped, and are in exactly the same state as this one. It's long, too long to be coming from the children themselves, none of them could ever hold a note for so long. And just as suddenly as it started, the noise stops, cut off in every child instantly, like there's someone at the controls. And then they open their mouths in unison, and speak:]
We... We... We... We... We... We... We... We... We are... We are... We are... We are... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming... We are coming...
[Then, without a sign or signal, they just stop. And then start moving, doing exactly the same things that they had been before whatever that just was had happened. They start running around, playing tag, talking to their mothers, themselves, as if they were unaware that anything had happened at all.
The video ends.]