Title: The Enemy of My Enemy
capt_facepalmRating: PG-13
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Gaslight)
Characters: Dr John H. Watson, John Clay
Summary: A strange rescue
Warnings: (none)
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: August 2nd 2012 prompt: five words from the
WW Prompt table #1 .oOOo.
‘J-John C-Clay?? I don’t u-understand…’
‘Rest, Dr Watson. You have lost a lot of blood.’
‘W-Where are we…?’
‘Some place safe. What do you recall?’
‘…docks… supposed to meet- HOLMES?!? Is he-’
‘Mr Holmes was never there. It was a ruse; an ambush.’
‘N-No… I don’t trust you… L-Let me go.’
‘Doctor, you’ve been shot. You're not going anywhere.’
‘S-Someone… will n-notice… I’m missing.’
‘You misunderstand me. Your attackers now think that you’re dead, so it's in my best interest to keep you alive. Someone has gone to a great deal of effort to frame me for your murder.’
Author's Note:
Now continued in:
The Enemy of My Enemy (II) .oOOo.
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