Dec 14, 2009 15:16
waiting on a call from teh doctors office to see if i need to bring alia in to be tested for strep. lovely.
so recently got re-interested in personality typeing when a co worker brought a book in for me ot read. apparently im intp. nt explains alot.
so its interesting finding out about yourself things that others around you point out that you do that dont make sense to them but are perfecty in line with your everyday MO. was begining to wonder if i was loseing it or somthing. btu na its normalish. w/e
im becoming more and more bored with my current state of being. routine and melancholy are setting in my hated enemies. yet my closest companions. my type apparently are analyzers. i tent to sit and think about things that could have been or where id be in different situations. and of course the grass always being greener over the septic tank i tend to fall into those idealized locations and take for granted whats in front of me.
work is going at a snails pace. ive managed to level an alt in wow mostly just playing at work and on weekends.
the kid is getting close to starting to put her first real words together she already talks our ears off.
ring damn it
headign up to ill for christmas should be fun to hang out. do the hole holiday thing.'
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing how many sick ppl can there really be come on.