I know I'm late on this, but I've been busy with things the last couple days, and I've felt like I've been running on less than fumes over the weekend. But now....
I've seen too many of my Republican friends wet their panties over Transday falling on Easter.
I don't buy into the notion that Republicans are a monolith of intolerance and general dimwittery. To quote Trump when he was talking about immigrants in 2015, and apply it to Republicans...some, I assume, are good people.
I have some Republican friends who have no problem with gay people. They're all for marriage, adoption, employment rights. Some are even cool with Black Lives Matter.
But, I was disappointed to see which of these Republicans who I thought were decent people seemed to draw the line at transfolks.
So now I have to rant. I have no choice.
If transday falling on the same day as Easter upset your fragile little world, you need to think about why. It's not like it was planned this way a few weeks ago to destroy Jesus. It's been on March 31st since 2009. How do the two days ruin Easter for you? Every few years my birthday is on Mothers Day. Does that ruin the day for you when that happens? “Oh, shit, it's Eric's birthday today, too. Fuck...now motherhood is tainted.”
I never understood what your issue is with trans people. Well, maybe I do. They deviate from your rigid views of what the norm should be. And your tiny little mind can't handle that kind of norm busting.
I've known quite a few transgendered people in my life. Been friends with one since September 1977, and I can tell the thing they're most guilty of is being awesome!
All the trans people I've met or known for years are funny, smart, kind, generous, creative. Oh, and I might add, a gadillion times braver than all you alls. They just want to live as is without being hassled, or legislated out of existence. They have no interest in indoctrinating children into the transworld, they don't grope kids in bathrooms, they don't force them to participate in weird trans rituals. You're thinking of Christians.
You are not going to look good to people in the future. You will be seen as the same types who supported George Wallace in the '60s, or Anita Bryant in the '70s.
History will not judge you kindly.
But history takes too long to pass judgement, so I will. You're a bigot. You need to do a lot of thinking and soul searching. And by that I mean, find one. Rent a good soul if you have to.