I remembered...

Jan 16, 2012 01:23

I'm Livejournaling! It's like when Simon & Garfunkel played together once in a while after the break-up. Or Columbo TV movies after the show was canceled. Everybody loved when a new album, or episode came out regularly. YAY! New entertainment. But, awww, we were so sad when it was over. But every once in a while everybody gets back together and does it, and everybody's all YAY, we get to have the experience again! Or, like a tainted taco meal, ewugh...we get to have the experience again.
I'm probably more like that tainted taco meal. Yet, people always go back to tacos, so I'll take the comparison. Yep...I make you vomit profusely, but you still come back.
By the way, this is what I tell women when they're walk-of-shaming out of my apartment.

As I've said before, I blame Facebook for killing my weekly LiveJournaling. I get it out on the spot, and once it's out of my system, I'm good. Again, the tainted taco comparison can also apply to Facebook.
Also, I get a lot of stuff out of me on my Interwebs radio show. I post a new show every Friday night at 9 Arizona time. You should go listen to it. Or do you like being shunned from society?

I've been anxious since the beginning of the year, and I have no real reason to be. School, I guess. By the way, have I said anything about going back to college? Well, I did. Started back up in Fall 2009, and have done better than I ever did in any schooling I had from elementary to community college in the early '90s. I've gotten 10 "A"s, 2 "B"s, and 3 "C"s. The part that still makes my head spin, besides the abundance of "A"s, is that I passed (barely) the two algebra classes. Either I've become a better student since 1994, or they've dumbed down college.
Except for that first semester in '09, I haven't been concerned about a new semester. Just, felt like, ok, time to make the "A"s. But this semester...I dunno. I'm retaking Satistics. I bombed it so bad last year I had to drop it to avoid an "F." And, get this, I've been made the humor editor of the school newspaper. I hadn't had anything to do with the paper until last semester. I had to take a news writing class for the degree. By the way, I'm going for a broadcasting degree. Wanna be on the radio, uh-doy! So, I took the class. It was taught by the paper's advisor, and she just thought I was a brilliantly hi-larious writer. She asked if I wanted to be the humor editor, and I uncharacteristically said, "Yeah, sure, why not." I usually talk myself out of something like that, but this time I thought I'd give it a whirl. I'm thinking being the humor editor of the Puma Press won't be much different than being editor of The Loon News. Except I'll get paid for it.
But it's not taking on satistics again, or editoring, and writering for the paper. I think the thing is...I just don't wanna do it. Any of it. What I'd like to do is be filthy, stinking rich and do nothing. Maybe it's school burnout.
I'll do it, though. This should be my last semester at the community college. (Unless I bomb satistics again.) Which leads me to anxiety I can understand...
Starting up at ASU's school of Broadcasting downtown. Long bus rides, new campus, new things. Like I said on this week's Eric Paul Johnson Radiotrola Program, I don't do well with uncertainty. I know the lay of the campus at Paradise Valley Community College, It's a 2½ mile bike ride away. I'm in a nice comfortable rut. ahhhhh...so nice...
But that'll be all over in 4 months. Unless there's a class or two I still need to take that I don't know about. I need to see an adviser and see what's left to take.
I'm also anxious about something real that I can understand why I'm in a snit about it. I'm gonna be $250 short to pay my bills this month. Maybe. I'm hoping on the maybe. If a fat aid check for this semester comes on the 3rd, everything will be A-OK in Mayberry. If it comes on the 10th, that'll be too late.
I'm trying not to worry, cuz somehow just enough money comes from somewhere just in time. Still, though, I hate the wondering from where, and the asking for it.

Don't think there's too much to report on now.
Oh, I'm tired of politics. During Christmas week I always shut myself off from politics. Then I get right back into it. This year, however, I went back to watching Maddow, and Schultz, listening to Randi, and they were saying all the stuff that always riles me up. But this time, I just didn't care. The Republicans are clinically insane lying dicks, and the Democrats are pussies too afraid to take on the easy targets Republicans make themselves. It's a stale, perpetually repeating story. It's gotten boring. Lemme know if things change, then maybe I'll care again.
It's weird. I used to get so far into it. Now, I couldn't care less. I get just enough information to know what's going on, and walk away.

Ok, I guess that's it. See you again in about 6 months. Anything anybody wants to know?

the eric paul johnson radiotrola program, money, college, the loon news, puma press, politics

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