Is it hot here, or is it just me, baby?

Jul 20, 2009 00:42

July 19, 2009 Sunday 11:31 PM 96.7°
Yup, 96.7° at 11:31 PM. Wasn’t like this 30 years ago. It would get to 114°, but by 11:30 PM it would be in the 80s.
During the call to Kami we talked about the heat. I remembered the day in 1990 when it got to 122. At 10 PM the bug in the corner of Channel 3 said it was 110°. I was thinkin’, wow…110 at 10. That was some heat we had today. I was also surprised that it was over 100 at 10 PM. That’s how unlikely 100° after 10:00 was. Now, 100 at midnight is normal. But it’s nothing to be concerned about, right? Just a bunch of Chicken Littles looking for funding.

I write this to you on Kat’s komputer. Lemme tell you a tired old story that repeats in an endless loop.
Thursday night things locked up on the hand-me-down 2002 PC from Wendy I always use. Happens four or five or more times a day. Well, this time it locked up, then restarted all on it’s own. When it came back on there was a black screen and at the bottom it said something along the lines of “DISK BOOT ERROR. PLEASE INSERT SYSTEM DISC.” That’s a new one on me. I put in the System Restore disc and hollered profanities inside as I let out a sigh. …sigh…gotta go through this again. It has been a month since the last computer crash and wipe out, so I guess it’s due.
It does the normal thing when the disc is put in. Warned me about wiping out the C-drive Press O for OK, or C for cancel. Pressed “O”. It said something about that there’s no partition. Press O/C. I pressed O to continue. It said something about that there’s no partition. Press O/C. I pressed O to continue. It said something about that there’s no partition. Press O/C. I pressed O to continue. It said something about that there’s no partition. Press O/C. I pressed O to continue. It said something about that there’s no partition. Press O/C. I pressed O to continue.
Rrrgg… Turned the computer off and tried it all again. Same loop. Tried it without the disc. Same boot error loop. Restarted pushing F8 to pick the run the computer on the last setting that worked option. Wasn’t there. I tried Safe Mode, boot error. Tried it again. Same thing.
So, there ya go. This is getting me nowhere, and my guess is ANOTHER computer has dropped dead in front of me. Gahd damn PCs!!!!! Worthless!!!! Absolutely WORTHLESS piles of crap!!!!!!!
So, now I have to use Kat’s 12 year-old computer. It only has 10 GB of memory, even slower on the Internetrola, and NO SOUND!!!! Without iTunes and a random selection of 20,000 songs I’m stuck with finding the least crappiest thing on TV for background noise.
Lisa “Blackbird” Sanders suggested I do a Google search to find out what Disk Boot Error means and how to fix it. So, I did. Was like reading instructions for quintuple heart bypass surgery. Everything I read was computer geek technical gibberish to me. The only thing I understood was “boot.” Anyone got a pair of steel-toed shoes I can borrow?
Kat’s komputer doesn’t play sound. It’s not supposed to. She said she never had the sound card installed. When her computer came out with her in ’06 I gave it a try then, and sound didn’t come out.
Friday night I gave it a try. Not expecting anything, but I’ve got time on my hands and it’ll only take a second. I installed iTunes on Kat’s komputer, dragged a few songs over and pushed play. I plugged the surround sound into the computer and out came “Living Doll” by Cliff Richard! I really doubt anybody has been that glad to hear “Living Doll” in 49 years. One problem, though. Some songs come out a little distorted. Sort of like someone had the recording level turned up a tiny bit too high and all the songs on the mix tape made for a girl your sweet on come out a touch distorted. But I’ll take poorly recorded mix tape effect over no music at all. I have no idea why there’s sound now, but I’m glad I won’t have to resort to TV.
One other problem. Kat’s komputer only has two USB ports, and they’re both taken. One has the wireless mouse plugged in, the other the portable drive with 250 GB and everything that matters on it. (Toons, MP3s, EPJ books, Excell things, writing.) So, I don’t quite know how to scan toons nobody reads if I can’t plug in the scanner.
I’ve spent the weekend updating, and cleaning out Kat’s komputer. So far it’s been running way better than the 5 year newer, 85 GB dead computer. iTunes and AOL can run at the same time without the Internetrola slowing down. Even when downloading podcasts. And, the most telling sign, I’ve only yelled at it once the last three days. Wendy’s computer drove me to scream at it four or more times a day.
What I’d like to do is have the two drives from the hand-me-down computer my parents gave me in ’05 that crapped out four months later, and stick them in the crapped out Wendy computer. Like to have all four drives wiped out completely brand new-like clean. I wonder if there’s some kind of spyware or bug on them that reinstalls and scans don’t get rid of. With this 170 GB four-drive PC I’d use it as a jukebox, toon producing, book-making, and Excel stuff. And never, ever, ever, unless there was a Facebook status update emergency, ever, ever use it to even glance at the Interwebs. I’d use the Macbook bought with college financial aid for the Internets. Which I wish would hurry up and get here. I wanna get school paid for and get a Macbook.
Can that drive transplant addition be done? I don’t know anything about computers. If I did I wouldn’t be hoarse with sore fists.

Wow…For June 2008 unemployment in Arizona was 4.something%.
For June 2009 it was 8.7%
Could be worse, though. Yuma has 19% unemployment.

kat, wendy, kami, unemployed, pc's suck

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