Touched by a Willy

Dec 16, 2008 02:00

Leesa got us free tickets, and me, Cait & Wendy went to Tim & Willy's Breakfast Show At Night. Even with the live Country music, it was plenty swell.
There were scalpers! What, really? People are scalping tickets to an out-of-work radio duo's live show?
Cait's mom and sisters didn't go, so we had three extra tickets, which worked out. The guy in front of me had a gourd bigger than the moon. I moved one seat over and sat behind his dainty wife.
I thought the comic was weeeeaaaaak. I've heard the men and women are different stuff before. Ugh, you're kinda amusing, but nothing more than a smile on my face from time to time. But he's the one on stage getting big laughs, and I'm the unemployed rube sitting two rows from the ceiling. So what do I know.
Near the end of the intermission I saw Tim waving in my direction. I didn't wave back, I wasn't blowing him off. I saw and thought, "Is he waving at me? I'm two rows from the ceiling, he can't see me. I can see him. Course, I know where to look for him. How would he spot me from down there? I am the only one in this area wearing a red Santa hat. Maybe I'll wave. But I'm gonna feel like an idiot if I wave and it turns out he's waving at some hot chick in the 3rd row." And by then he gave a thumbs up and stopped waving.
After the intermission they did "shout outs." They sent an e-mail to people on their mailing list that if you had something you wanted to say, they would read it. They read mine: "Cait, Eric, Wendy, Leesa, and the rest of the The Loon News staff wish everyone a happy Christmas and Merry new year. Now give Cait a movie deal, and syndicate Eric's comic strip!!!! And buy Eric's book Is That Your Dad!?!?!?!?!?!" And Other Wrong Things To Say At A Funeral. (Do a Google search.)"
My title got a pretty good laugh from the audience at the Celebrity Theatre. Not as loud as the comedian, but it was a good round of laughing.
After the show I found Tim. He hugged a woman in a wheelchair and called her "mom." I didn't think that was the time to shove a Loon News at him and talk to him.
He went away, and I caught up with him and Willy a few minutes later on their way to the autograph table. Willy didn't see me on his way to the table, but Tim did. He gave me a "Hey!" shook my hand, and seemed glad to see me. I gave him the 25th anniversary issue of The Loon News. He said thanks, and that he thought my shout out was "great." I told him thanks. He said he'll have to look up my book, and started for the table. I said cool, and yelled, "Buy my book!" He laughed on his way to the autographing.
No, I didn't ask him the question. For one thing I caught him on the way to the signing, and Wendy and Cait seemed like they wanted to go.
When we got to the car I saw that it was 11:30. I thought the show was 2 hours, but it turned out to go on for 3 1/2 hours.

Anyway, the show was swell, and no, I don't feel shafted by Tim & Willy. They do have other people to see. On the way to a scheduled after event isn't the time to ask a question that will take longer than a couple seconds to answer. I've met them plenty of other times. They're good at making you feel like they're glad for every listener, and that it's not all phony, "thanks for listenin', now get lost." Even if it is for a few seconds while dashing to an autograph session.
In late '88 Tim and his morning partner at the time, Glen Beck (yes, him) were doing their show at a nearby grocery store to get people to donate food. I went, and gave them the latest issue of The Loon News. Tim thought it was neat. Glen seemed like he'd rather be someplace else.
So, yeah, being nice to their listeners seems genuine from Tim & Willy.
And Leesa is very swell for getting the tickets. I'm not blowing you off. I don't like to keep the phone busy during the day in case somebody calls about a job. And when you called tonight I was in the other room watching Miracle on 34th Street. When I came out here it was 10 and I didn't know if it was too late to call.

tim & willy, cait, leesa, wendy

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