PC = Piece of CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 03, 2008 23:40

The last month this steaming pile of crap PC has been getting slower and slower and sticking more and more. It would take 15 minutes to save stuff in Microsoft Office. The drive would run out of space every ten minutes. I remove programs and it STILL pops up with not enough space error reoprt boxes!!!!!
I borrowed some virus and spyware discs from my mom hoping it would clear up the problem. Her stuff is a few years newer than whatever's on this box of shit.
So, I installed it, ran the stuff, and get this, it made things WORSE, GAHD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what the fuck my nutball brain was thinking. Make a PC run better. I'm clearly off my nut. NOTHING GETS BETTER WITH A FUCKIN' PC!!! It did what PCs do...IT MADE THINGS A BILLION, TRILLION, BAZILLION TIMES FUCKIN' WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why the fuck do people keep buying these things. They are fucking WASTES OF SPACE!!!! They are GAHD DAMN USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight, I opened up the big book of my toons I've been working on since September. Toons are missing from the pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like every other toon is gone, replaced by a rectangle saying it doesn't know where the file is. The friggin' file is where I left it. In the toon folder. It's right gahd damn there! I can fuckin' see it!
I have to go through 250 toons, 100 pages and put back the right toon in every empty space.
My Mac gave me problems, and eventually crapped out, but it never gave me this much ghad damn shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And what pisses me off even more is I have to be grateful that I have a FUCKIN' PIECE OF SHIT THAT DOESN'T EVEN WORK RIGHT. Because my other option is NO GAHD DAMN COMPUTER.
Never a single problem with Kat's parents Mac. Smooth, fast, no glitch, it never once drove me to badly wanting to get an aluminum Louisville Slugger and Office Space the thing into a billion fragments.
I can't afford a new computer. I've been unemployed since April, I can't afford cereal!!!!!!!
Seriously, I am going to hijack a train, one hauling so many cars that it takes twelve engines to haul it all. I am going to drive to the tallest hill in the world with track. I'm gonna take it to the top, then once it gets over the hill jam on the gas. All 12 engines running at full throttle. And I'm going to let the hundreds of fully loaded cars hauling the heaviest stuff on the planet add to the force by pushing it faster and faster down the hill. Full diesel acceleration, no brakes, and gravity pull all of that mind-boggling weight barreling down the tallest mountain barely staying on the track. And when It all gets to the bottom I want to plow into this MOTHER FUCKING, GAHD DAMN, PIECE OF SHIT COMPUTER with such force that there's nothing left. I want to see it explode into an ultra fine mist of unrecognizable parts. Bits so small even the most powerful microscope can't tell you it was once a Sony VAIO PC.
It is impossible for me to use enough "fuck"s, "gahd damn"s, and "shit"s to accurately describe what a gahd damn fucking pile of shit this gahd damn, and from what I've experienced, every fuckin' PC is.
Friggin things are like a fuckin' quadruple amputee quadriplegic in the extreme advanced stages of Alzheimer's. Kind just slowly lopes along then without warning will stop everything and be confused for a half hour.

Now, instead of progressing on my toon book, I have to undo the damage a fucking PC wreaked on months of hard work.
God damn, mother fucking, piece of shit PC

pcs suck ass

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