Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

Nov 08, 2008 10:27

Just found out I'm unemployed again.
Got a call from the employment agency that the place I'd been going to the last two weeks doesn't want me. No reason given. She said there were a couple other people given the boot, too.
How did I feel when I got the call? ...Sweet relief.
It was a rotten place. There were the previous gripes I had of dressing like a tool, no Internetstrola, no restaurants within walking distance, no calling Kat, the impending violation of my privacy with an intrusive drug test, and starting at 7:30 AM every day.
This week I was told I couldn't listen to music while data entering. If I don't have music to distract me from the tedium of data entry I'd hang myself right there at my desk. Listening to the radio, music, or TV at the other data entry jobs was never a problem. I can't take my shoes off at my desk (never an issue at other jobs,) can't nap during lunch (never an issue at other jobs.) We were in a training room and at lunch everybody would clear out, so I didn't see what the big deal was about putting my head down and getting some sleep on my time in an empty room. I'm no social butterfly, I don't have a car to go someplace, no Internetstrola to fill the time, no nap. I guess the only thing left for me to do at lunch was create constellations in the dots in the ceiling tiles. Look, there's the Constellation Hormel, Greek God of Spam!
Every day they gave me a new reason to miss ABS. I haven't been nit-picked this much on a daily basis since I lived with my parents.
So, yes, sweet relief from going to a place that has an over-controlling restrictive rule against EVERYTHING.


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