The End is Grape Ne-Hi

Oct 26, 2008 13:31

So...I start a new...way to drain my irretrievable time and talent away from me...tomorrow. (That'd be a job for people who don't have the Little Snotty Cartoonist Decoder Pin from Ovaltine.) And, no, I am not excited about it, so I wish people would stop asking. I feel nothing exciting about spending hours doing something I absolutely care absolutely nothing about absolutely. And I like being unemployed. I like staying up until 3 A.M., napping, the time is mine to decide whatever I ever want to do. Wellp, that all ends tonight at around 11 when I have to go to bed.
But more than a soul-deadening job, I hate financial uncertainty and being a 391/2 year-old lifesize latex Yoda owner living with my parents . Behold! King Dweeb!
I feel cranky, sad, and scared about it. Cranky cuz I don't wanna. Sad because the 6-month vacation is over. Scared about the new everything of it all, and getting up at 6 A.M. What retarded masochist decided everyone should go to work at 7 A.M. I blame the farmers. No wonder everyone's an idiot or shooting up the work place. Sleep is good. People should understand that. But they're too sleepy to get anything.

In better news, I voted last night. Me and Kat get mail-in ballots, and I did mine last night. I thought it was such a historic thing to vote for a black dude that I took a picture.

And I voted against the bigoted, homophobic Proposition 102.

I thought marriage was between two people who love each other so much they want to spend the rest of their lives together, not about compatible genitalia. Oh, wait, I did more research and it turns out homosexuals aren't people, so they don't feel love. Well, now it makes sense why the gays shouldn't marry. The family and the institution of marriage would disintegrate and die should even one couple get into a loveless marriage.
I really don't care who marries what. Marry a dog if you want. Just get the dog's parents blessing. Or cat, or aardvark, or platypus, or lifesize latex Yoda. (I've been lobbying hard for that last one.)

I've been working on an anthology book of my toons from 1986-2008. I'm up to 1991. Not sure if I want to release it in a series of volumes like The Complete Peanuts, or in one big-ass book. I'll see how many pages it takes first, I guess. I still have about 750 toons to scan.

voting, obama, toons, job

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