Get off my ass, Number One!

Sep 03, 2008 02:33

It's late, I'm sleepy, so I probably shouldn't be writing, but I like writing and I feel like doing it. Don't like it? Go eat a rancid olive loaf!

Anyway, things are cranky around here, and I don't like it. Maybe it's because the Repugnicans are conventioning. All the hate, lies, distortion and bigotry kinda ooze out and affect things. Like Star Trek: The Next Generation episode #71 "Sarek" where Spock's dad oozes off all his anger onto the crew of the Enterprise.

Democrats aren't perfect, but Republicans really outgo themselves in head-spinning hypocrisy. Obama's not experienced, so John picks a less experienced younger person. Wha???
Last night I saw some Repugnican talking head tool (my Gramma used to call 'em "bananaheads") say VP nominee Tina Feyish will be seen as a hero for standing by her daughter, blah, blah, blah. So, if I'm to follow Conservative logic (HEE! I crack me up! "Conservative logic!" I oughtta write for The Ropers! Is that still on?) Um...yeah, so if you're a scary gun-totin', Jesus-humpin', rich white Conservative who's teenage daughter was knocked up, you're a hero. If your a poor black person whose teenage daughter was knocked up you're welfare trash. I think I get it now. Conservatives are racist hypocrites.
And they're trying to sell Feyish's foreign policy experience because she's governed Alaska for a couple years and Alaska is near Russia. But, she's never been to Russia.
Ya know, I've lived near Mexico for 321/2 years, and I went there for a day in 1980 when I was 11. Lookit me! I'm a foreign policy expert!

People have started getting my book. Some reviews....
Ohhh my gosh! I just read the whole book.. I love, love, loved it! Even though some of the stories were repeats for me, I read them again.. I loved the pic on the back of the book. It is one of my favorites of you.
I think you should do another book sometime, but put more stories in it.

Already planning another book.
And another person...
I showed it to Goji and he got quite a few laughs out of it.

There you go. What more could you want out of a book than a few laughs?
If you haven't bought my book, then why are you waiting???? Buy my damn book already!

repugnicans, sarek, mccain, star trek, the book

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