Don't Ever Lose the Loon in You

Feb 08, 2008 23:56

It's been 25 years tonight and it still hits me like it did then.
I know I'm the only one who cares about this, but it's my journal so I'm gonna write whatever I want. You all knew what you were getting into when you signed up.
So, yeah, 25 freakin' years tonight since Brandmeier's Farewell to the Loons concert. (Now everyone together...roll the eyes, and in Unisom say, "Aw, jeez, here we go again. Brandmeier..." Thank you. Now let's move on. For those who are lost, check out my Brandmeier audio archive blog)
Despite popular belief I do not spend every morning of every year listening to old Brandmeier shows. I'm anal, so I have my own schedule.
Listen to each show on every 5th anniversary. Like I listened to February 9, 1981 show on February 9, 2006. May 30, 1982...May 30, 2007. Get the idea?
Listen to each show if the airdate falls on the same day. Feb 9, 1981 Monday...Feb 9, 2004 Monday. Get it?
When it's the years that aren't a same air date, or anniversary I listen to holiday shows. Thanksgiving, President's Day, Memorial Day... Or if there's a certain show I'm wanting to hear I'll listen to it. But except for anniversary years and same-day years I don't listen to every show I have.

Stupid? Silly? Maybe. But who out there doesn't watch reruns of their favorite shows over and over year after year. It's been 47 years and people haven't stopped watching Andy Griffith reruns. 26 Years and nobody's stopped watching Cheers. Over 40 years with only 70-something episodes and people still can't stop watching Star Trek.
Hey...when you put it like that I don't seem like as much of a dorkface!
I like listening to Brandmeier's old shows. They're funny, entertaining, and yeah, duh, of course there's some nostalgia involved. But nostalgia has a shelf life of a day. It must be pretty good if it still holds my attention after 25 years. Ya know, like I never get tired of Star Wars, E.L.O., or Star Trek. So obviously there's something else there besides memories and Rick Springfield songs.

I just finished the 25th anniversary cycle. Jonathon Brandmeier started at KZZP on February 9, 1981. On February 9, 2006 I listened to the 2 minutes I have of that show. And over the last two years I've listened to each show I have on that show's 25th anniversary.
This morning I listened to the February 8, 1983 show. And tonight I watched the tape of Brandmeier's February 8, 1983 Farewell to the Loons concert. (See, besides, just go read my story about it)
That's what ends the two year-long, every-show-I-have listening cycle. The farewell concert me, Cait, and Kim went to at Fiesta Mall.
When John get's to this part I always get the feeling I had in 1983. Doesn't hit as hard as it did then, but I still feel like "Now what do I listen to in the morning?"
At least for a few years. In a couple years each show will fall on the same day it did then. And the listening cycle will begin. What I hate thinking about is the next 5th anniversary cycle will be each show's 30th anniversary. God, frickin' hell...I'm getting so gawd damn old...
I'd rather have it like that, though. The cycles, not being old (but it beats being dead.) As much as I feel like "now what" when it's over, I also feel like a nice break is needed. This way the shows don't get tired and stale to me. Maybe that's why I can still listen to them after 27 years.

On a related note, a couple weeks ago I had a dream Brandmeier found my Memories of a Loon audio archive blog, and had me on his show. After it was done we were out in sort of a lobby of WLUP (Never been there. Do they have a lobby?) I asked if I could have a copy of his February 9, 1981 show. He said he'd look in his office to see if he had it.
Oh, boy! I thought. This will be so great if he has it! I've waited 27 years for this show. One of my dreams has been to have a copy of the radio show that hit me with such a force and started so much. Ohhh, I hope he has it. This gonna be...wait...wait...I'm not at WLUP. I'm in bed. Oh, crap! This is a dream! It's not gonna matter one bit if he comes out of his office handing me a tape of that show. I can't take it with me to reality. He'll give it to me here, and it'll seem real, but when I wake up I won't have it! Dammit, dammit, dammit!!!!!!
And I woke up soon after that.

On an unrealted note, I had a dream me and Cait were at a movie awards ceremony. They announced that I won an award for sound. But it wasn't for Cait's movie. It was for the Loon News:The Comic Strip! Christmas Special on my other audio blog. I thought, wow...these guys really research a person's work if they give out awards for non-movie related sound work.
Then Cait won a best movie award.
I think Wendy and Kat were there, too. Looks like we're Golden Raspberry bound, baby!

kim darling, cait, kat, wendy, brandmeier, lntcs

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