NOOOOOObody Expects Whitney Houston!!!

Dec 30, 2003 23:54

December 30, 2003 Tuesday 11:00 PM
I said I’d write more today, so I will. I’m a man of my word.
Wanderlust just knocked a Lego out from under the couch I’ve been looking for for 3 months. He’s such a good cat.
So, this girl at the ‘88 Christmas party met up with a guy at the party. On the class’ web site they’ve declared they’re happiness and passionate love for each in the syrupy words people in their happy, loving couple ether bubble do. Now, I’m not in a funk because he got her and I didn’t. It just wouldn’t’ve happened anyway. What’s got me in a mood is how EVERYBODY keeps finding all these people to be in love with. One relationship ends suddenly fate drops another swell person at their feet, and they’re lost in their own little ether bubble thinking everybody wants to see their happiness. I never get that. I get it once every 27 years, and no one else after that. Mike got it 5 times. *sigh* am I really that hopeless...
Was weird over the weekend. When I woke up I didn’t want to get out of bed. Seemed to be no reason to. I don’t mean that to sound like nothing matters if I get out of bed or not, I mean, the apartment was clean, I got a bunch of toons loaded on my Sherpa, Wanderlust is fed, I don’t have to pee, I’m warm and comfortable here. There’s no real reason why I should leave my warm bed. I don’t ever do that. Even if I want to it’s not long before I think “This isn’t getting any toon work done, so I better get up.” But on Sunday I just wanted to lay there. Wanderlust was curled up next to me. Turned on the TV and The Incredible Mr. Limpet just started. I’ve never seen it. Always curious about it. How can they pull it off making it believable that a man could turn into a fish? Well, once I saw the movie it became clear how it could all plausibly happen. Animation.
Don Knotts was good, of course. I was getting a Disneyland contact high from it. The crab is also the voice of a mess of pirates from the “Women-Degrading Pirates of the Caribbean” ride. (Ya know, I wish everything was so perfect in my life. Everything where it should be, everything right on track, not a single care in the world so that the only thing I could get my panties in a bunch over is animatronic pirates selling animatronic women to drunken animatronic men. Maybe it’s because the women were getting offers of alcohol at the Wench Auction that offended the hyper-sensitive chicks. But, look, that guy wasn’t sponging for rum. It was gold he was after. That should calm you chicks down. Now flash your hooters and let’s all relax, honey.)
So I laid in my nice warm bed for 2 1/2 hours watching TV. Hopefully I’m not turning into my sister.
Leesa invited me over for New Years. Be swell if it wasn’t such a drive with other drunkards out driving. M&M’s house was a 15 minute straight line back to my apartment on streets I knew. Still not sure if I’ll go. I wouldn’t mind, but it’s the drive, and my mom sez she’s gonna make a big dinner, and apple pie. Pretty much all other appointments are canceled if my mom’s apple pie is the other choice.
Everybody shouldn’t worry too much about me. I always get depressed after Christmas. In September the fall decorations go up. Then a month later Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas. The holidays get bigger and better. After Christmas, well, it’s all over. Back to the empty walls, and songs I hear all year long. There’s nothing after Christmas. Well, we get MLK day off, but there’s no lights, no Peanuts special where Linus explains the true meaning of Martin Luther King, Jr. day. No songs like “Here comes Martin Luther King, Jr. right down Martin Luther King, Jr. boulevard...” I live in Arizona and I’m all for the holiday, but if Marty was such a dreamer of the future why didn’t he work some bubble lights, Rankin & Bass specials, and King carols into his vision of the future?
Went to the dentist today. Got a girl I never had before. Been going to that office since 1977. She was very talkative and fun. Made it much less of a session by the Spanish Inquisition. There was one moment, though, where I experienced a brutal pain to my bones that I've never experienced before in my life. “I Will Always Love You” by Whitey Houston from the light rock station they pump into the office played. I’ve never heard it before, for good reason. I-eee-I have always avoided the song. Fortunately I was so gassed up I didn’t care that much.
Oh, and no cavities. But I did get a bill for $181. It’s better than cavities.

christmas, leesa, disneyland, don knotts, wanderlust, lonely, bed

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