
Jul 05, 2005 18:08

Me and Kat are a wretch-inducing happy, loving couple. And I got a girlfriend without doing any of this advice from the mystery replier...
Your mission if you choose to accept it. 'Getting you laid'. You will have to make many sacrifices and you will have to be willing to think outside the box. If you succeed your life could be changed forever.
Phase 1: Understand that you very well may have blown your chances with every woman who has heard you whine about you not having a girlfriend. As soon as a woman hears a guy do that, they almost immediately think "he has no self confidence and if no one else wants him, I sure don't either". She will then be very sweet to you and say something like this "you are a great guy and I know there is someone special out there for you". In girl speak this means "You are very nice but don't make the mistake of thinking that I am the one for you". I know that seems horrible of us but it is just one of those things that you have to understand and accept because we are not going to change. So as of this very moment stop doing that.
Phase 2: Cut your hair. You are WAY too old for long hair. There are a few very lucky men out there who have gotten women while sporting their long hair after the age of 22 but for the most part they are famous musicians (for some reason they are allowed to have long hair) or are loosers with the typical white trash woman. Most women want their men well groomed with short hair. Those wealthy republicans you trash get dates because they dress for success and take pride in what they look like, not because they have money. If you want to date a woman who wears a little makeup and fixes her hair then you need to have nice short hair, dress nicely and splash on nice cologne........and that doesn't mean your Dad's old spice either. Try Aspen, it is my favorite of the not too expensive ones.
Phase 3: The clothes make the man. This brings us to your comment about holes in your jeans. In itself holes in the jeans aren't bad depending on where you are. But a woman needs to see you with clean pants without holes in them. Also……for the most part t-shirts are out unless you are going to the gym, lounging around the house, fishing or going to a ballgame. If your goal is to catch a nice woman who is around your age and not in her early 20's you need to wear shirts with at least 2 buttons on them. When a guy walks down the street in jeans and a t-shirt no one will notice him. When that same guy has on slacks or nice jeans and a polo shirt, the women will pay attention. That fact may suck but it is very true. (Amendment: if your goal IS to get someone in their early 20’s, you are a looser, there is no hope for you, stop reading this now and be ashamed of yourself)
Phase 6: Cook. If you can't cook, at least learn a few nice dishes. Italian is pretty easy, learn a few of those. If you can make a woman a nice meal, she will be very impressed. Just talking to a woman about a nice meal that you made last week can bring a twinkle to her eye but it better be a good one, not frozen pizza. If you have already established a good conversation with her and she seems interested, tell her about this amazing homemade chocolate Whatever you made yesterday and that you still have some, she may go home with you right then and there.
Phase 5: Expanding your horizons. This will be the hardest and biggest change. One of my favorite lines from Buffy is something that Xander said about getting his own apartment and moving out of his parent’s basement, "there comes a point where you have to either move on, or just buy yourself a Klingon costume and go with it". You seem to have your own place to live but I think it still fits. An adult male needs other adult interests outside of star wars, music and comics. I still love comics, still buy and read them, only the hard core who can speak Elvish know more about Tolkien's Middle Earth than I do but yet I can still easily interact with those who know nothing of these things. It will be tough but watch some sports, these days golf is something that is wise to know a little about. If you really want to impress some women learn a little about Annika Sorenstam. In other words, don't let the first thing that you bring up to a woman be the larp that you ran last week or the cool toy you just bought. As I said, I am still into all of that stuff but if that is one of the first things a guy brings up to me it turns me away because I know the type. They are way to into it and can't manage a life outside of it. They usually have very little money because what money they do have they blow on figurines and DVD's instead of eating healthy food to keep in shape, replacing their underwear that is falling apart or saving it up to buy a car, as apposed to hoping their mom gives them one like a 17 year old does. Watch the news, catch up on world affairs but stay away from discussing the hard core political or the really serious religious topics until you really get to know someone. Example of correct casual conversation: "I wonder how long it will take them to elect a new Pope?" Incorrect: "What is wrong with all of these baby killing pro choice people anyway?" When the conversation goes dead, the best way to bring it back is to ask her what other hobbies she has and listen, seem interested and even make a few small comments as she talks. If you are too nervous to try this out on women you have never met, get a good female friend who will have dinner with you and practice.
Phase 6: Just do it. The reason that all of this is soooooo important is because single women who are in their 30's have no desire to hook up with a man in which it seems they are going to have to take care of. Trust me, we would rather stay single. If you are not making enough money at your current profession to make a monthly car payment on a vehicle that is at least a 2000 model, purchase a new shirt (not t-shirt) every couple of months, have money in some type of retirement fund, and take a girl out to a nice dinner and a movie once every couple of weeks then you need to get a second job. Yes I said job, suck it up. You are an adult who should be taking care of himself financially and preparing for your future, as a tax payer I sure as heck don’t want to and shouldn’t have to. This may sound all materialistic to you but it isn't. It is a fact of life you are stuck with because desirable men are responsible and they take care of themselves financially. Your female friends who tell you that all of this stuff isn't important are either young and still believe that "All you need is love" or they are not being honest with you because they don't want to sound materialistic or they don't want to fight with you if you think I am full of crap.
I don’t give out 100% guarantees but I know if you do these things you will come a heck of a lot closer to getting a girlfriend than you will at the rate you are going now. You just have to decide what is more important to you, unwillingness to change or a hot date. Good luck and best wishes.
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