Oct 22, 2005 02:04
I've had a safe driving record for the past 3 years, but I was statistically destined to have something happen eventually:
After spending a long, dull, period of time doing Economics homework I decided to take a break and go to the gym. I walked down to the easement, where my car was parked, and started it up. As I was backing up, I looked out my back window and saw a little kid running to get a ball that had bounced behind my car. I carefully waited for him to be a safe distance, and backed up while continuing to keep my eyes on him... It was then that I heard a terrible crunching sound to my left... I looked, and to my horror my driver-side mirror and snagged on the mailbox, twisting both the mail box and the mirror horribly out of alignment. The mirror had even been partially pried off the door, and created a finger-width gap between the exterior panel and the window. Thankfully, my dad was able to solve these problems with his nearly super-human strength; using brute force to return these objects to their proper positions. But I must admit, that I feel pretty stupid now (even though I managed to finish that damn Econ. worksheet).