useful icon is finally useful

Nov 07, 2011 16:31

I have the biggest fucking splitting headache. It's so fierce in the back of my temple that I had to knock off sewing, I couldn't sit up any longer. I was getting to the point where I was making stupid little mistakes - that's when you have to put it down and leave it alone, before you do something you have to take hours to repair or re-cut. Sigh.

And so, here I curl up, hoping the ibuprofin kicks in soon. It's been half an hour and nothing yet. :/

I'm giving Etsy a shot to try and sell off the stuff I have stocked up/lying around. It's not going any better than ebay or the marketplace. It's making me completely rethink vending at cons. I don't want to invest in all these costume pieces I can't sell, not just at the con but for months afterward. That's not how the business grows. I have gotten some more excellent reviews on, so here's hoping. That's all I can do, is hope.

I've got a couple small projects on the docket with no deadline. I may have to plan a trip to SR Harris to get fabric, though. I can't see finding a black thick-weave nylon for the Equilibrium coat down here anywhere - nothing even remotely like it. But I need customer deposits before I buy anyway.

God, this all sucks. I know I'm heading into the slow/off-season for a lot of cosplayers so I don't know how I'm going to pay my bills. I've got all these patches and trinkets just sitting here and nobody's even looking at/tracking the listings for them online, let alone buying them. And not a single business I've put my applications in at has called me back. Even those hiring seasonally. Not. A. One.

Basically I'm fucked. Completely, wholly, fucked. I don't know why I bother getting up in the morning.

angst, fml, life fucking sucks

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