Title: Preparing for Doomstar
Artist(s): Pirateking42
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Nathan, Charles, 022681 and unnamed klokateer
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Swearing?
Disclaimer: Metalocalypse © Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha
Artist Notes:
Join us for live streaming The Doomstar Requiem! It is going to be brutal!!!!
I'll be streaming from:
www.justin.tv/pirateking42Midnight EST!
I think there are a few of us livestreaming, but I don't see the links right now.
Special thanks to Eleihoma for beta-ing my script!
Not the actual wire I'll be using. I'm still waiting for it to arrive in the mail. It better get here on time. I think the cast were upset we haven't had an adventure lately. Everyone kept passing out and wouldn't focus on keeping their clothespins out of the shots. For being a "quick easy fast thing" it took for fucking ever!