Still having too much fun with my dethsims, so here you go!
In this installment, love is in the air. Also, Murderface gets a job.
The dethsims have all been very busy with their band. Well, I say busy. What I mean, is they've only done two or three gigs.
No. No, this is the opposite of what I wanted.
No one but Pickles is doing what they're supposed to. Murderface got left out because the limit for bandmates is four and... Is that a cat on stage?
...We'll sort this out later.
Let's see what everyone's been up to outside of the band.
Pickles tries to be sociable with his housemates.
But he seems to prefer bars.
Remember how Charles was the only one repairing things? His handiness still got unintentionally high and, apparently, he's become so sick of cleaning, he's started taking preventative measures. That's him upgrading the toilet to self-cleaning, blatantly ignoring the fact that Nathan desperately has to pee.
And I have no idea what Nathan is wearing. Charles is wearing work clothes. Nathan is wearing what he seems to think are work clothes, despite the fact that he doesn't actually work. He does gigs. And he doesn't change his clothes for gigs.
Nathan's working that pony shirt. No fucks given.
no, wait... nevermind
some fucks given
Skwisgaar's been having a rough time.
But more on that later.
Toki has been making friends...
...with vampires.
They gave him blood juice.
He liked it okay.
The dethsims also had their first house fire!
Everyone rushed to see what was happening. Except for Facebones. He waited outside. He seemed fairly certain that the fire was, in fact, a scary ghost.
Even with my intervention, they refused to actually do anything about the fire.
Charles began to put out the fire. Murderface became distracted by the more pressing concern of their television being broken.
Murderface then realized that he was hungry. He turned and saw that the fire was in close proximity to the fridge. He realized the gravity of the situation.
William Murderface: Fridge Defender
He stopped helping when the firelady showed up.
She seemed upset.
The fridge was okay, though. And Murderface? Murderface was inspired...
He seems to get lost and/or distracted on his way to put fires out a lot of the time.
Once he's figured out what direction it's in, he's ready for action.
Those poolside fires aren't going to put themselves out.
To be honest, his new profession hasn't really changed much.
He just does most of his television watching at the firestation, now.
And what of the others? What new big thing have they been up to? Why, getting laid of course! You may remember that both Skwisgaar and Charles got shut down by Odine and Romeo, respectively... and also eachother.
Well, Charles got invited to another party at Romeo's the very next day. He was still exhausted, but he attended. This time, he asked to spend the night. Romeo thought this sounded like a good idea. It was pretty much a sure thing.
Except, Romeo fell asleep...
It looked like he was into the good stuff, though. Charles decided to try for a quickie in the morning.
Denied... Also, he was late to work because of it.
Not to be deterred, Charles invited Romeo over for potential hot tub sex.
But then Nathan got naked and scared him off.
...dammit, Nathan.
Pickles crashed a fancy party and hit it off with a celebrity.
Unfortunately, when the party ended, she left him on the second story patio and locked him out...
...for most of the day... I don't think Pickles is going to pursue this relationship further.
Back in Charles' love life, I was intervening a bit. Apparently, how fast you rise in your career is determined by coworker relationships. The moment he was off work, I had Charles ask his boss out for a night on the town.
Things weren't off to a promising start.
Charles had time for a quick change of clothes before she showed up. Unfortunately, that's all she did. She greeted him and then left.
She may be insane.
But the real star of this story is Skwisgaar, who attempted to pick things back up with Odine...
She wasn't very open to his advances.
He might have been sending conflicting messages.
But, to be fair, so was she.
Things fizzled out completely with Odine. To cheer his buddy up, Pickles took Skwisgaar out for a good time.
While out, Skwisgaar met a lady named Victoria.
They hit it off... just as the karaoke machine caught Nathan's eye.
Nathan got heckled by some rude chick named Jun Xu.
Simultaneously, Skwisgaar was doing pretty well with Victoria.
...Both situations escalated rather quickly.
Well... shit.
I'm not sure why Toki got so upset, but he lost a ton of friendship points with Skwisgaar and started despising Victoria. Maybe Toki liked Odine. Or maybe Sims 3 just ships Skwisgaar/Toki. Whatever the case, Skwisgaar fell asleep shortly after that.
Victoria headed home.
Inside the karaoke bar, Nathan was reevaluating his life.
It was closing time, though.
He headed home.
Meanwhile, Toki woke up Skwisgaar. Still unsure of what Skwisgaar had done wrong, I saw that he had an "explain attraction to Victoria" option. I had him do that.
It didn't go over well. I let them gossip about her, instead.
I left them there and switched to a different dethsim. Later, I noticed they'd never made it home that night...
A couple nights later, Skiwsgaar called Victoria over.
Seriously, Toki. What is your deal?
Skwisgaar tried for hot tub sex, but Victoria just wanted to hold hands.
Not sure if want.
She gave him flowers, though. So, Skwisgaar decided to ask her to spend the night. She accepted.
Unfortunately, starter home!Mordhaus is full of single beds. I quickly built a third story just for sex.
Christ, Pickles. It is way too early for you to be drinking.
Anyway, I couldn't get Skwisgaar to apologize in time. Victoria left.
Oh... and in another twist ending, Romeo called Charles out of the blue. What with his handiness skill so ridiculously high, he wanted to pay him to upgrade his stereo. He just dropped it off at their house too. Seemed rude. Charles upgraded it though, and stopped by Romeo's apartment to drop it off.
He caught Romeo in the lobby.
Elevator sex.
And, apparently, that was all Charles wanted out of that relationship. The very next thing he did was a celebratory march right back home.
Charles, don't be rude. Nathan is trying to watch a cooking show.
...dammit, Charles