Writers block and a busy schedule have been kicking my ass lately but I've promised myself that even if I'm not working on my main fic that I need to keep writing. I don't know if anyone else feels this way or not, but it seems like the less I write the worse the block is. My logic would tell me that if I hit a wall I should just take a break, right? Wrong. I have found that continuing to plug along, even if on other things, helps to keep the creativity flowing rather than letting it dry up entirely. So here, have five little drabbles that help me to ward off creative constipation.
They're inspired by the songs on my 'Out There' list. 'Out There' refers to that weird part of my Ipod, the funny songs that I fall back on to make me laugh. So obviously, these are kinda lulzy. No serious moments allowed. I've also included links to youtube for the music because some people my not be familiar with them all.
"I'm done.
Weird Al- Everything you know is wrong
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ8taROu6BY Charles was ready to beat his face off of his desk. How did Toki get a soda bottle cap stuck in his nose? It was like the time that Nathan had swallowed a beer can tab. He just didn't understand it.
Once, Pickles had gotten himself stuck on a chandellier. Skwisgaar had had to request help to get out of a sexual position that he had tried for the first time. Murderface had been rushed to the hospital ward for urinating on an electrical outlet... multiple times. The list went on. Those were just some of the more memorable ones.
As the manager of Dethklok, it was Charles Offdensen's job to deal with all of the boys' excentricites. Honestly, most of the time he felt like more like a glorified babysitter than a manager.
Penguin Dance from Mary Poppins
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nQtRSHKDpg Toki smiled in a wide, manic sort of way. He loved this movie! This was the one where the lady that flew under her umbrella watched the two little children, a brother and sister. There was a song playing just now where the animated penguins came out to sing and dance with the the guy that cleaned chimneys.
Still grinning from ear to ear, Toki stole a glance over his shoulder just to be sure that he was alone. It was true. The common room stood empty save for Toki and the television. He wiggled his pants down to his knees and danced along to his favorite part.
He didn't understand why none of the other guys ever did anything fun like this. He was going to ask Charles for an animated penguin for his next birthday.
Jimmy Soul- If You Wanna Be Happy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NF5XU-k2Vk Skwisgaar believed that the old adage was true. If a man wanted to truly be happy then he should never settle for what society considered a beautiful woman. What good was a pretty face? Sure, she looked nice standing beside you on the red carpet but he didn't want a carpet ornament.
Fat girls tended to be adventurous. He liked the way that they would let him do anything to them in bed.
The old ones knew exactly what they wanted and didn't keep him guessing. Their bodies weren't as cut and new but they more than made up for that in experience.
The ugly ones would do anything he asked. They would bend over backwards to remain in his favor.
Pretty girls had agendas, Skwisgaar preferred to stick to his own.
Recycle Song from Rocko's Modern Life
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEpG3UsKv54 It was hard to get them all on board with environmentally friendly anything but he thought he'd found a way. There seemed to be some sort of power held by the animated compost heap that sang about the benefits of recycling. For today, at least, Dethklok was cooperating by having their alcohol bottles thrown in the blue bin rather than the trash. It would most likely be over tomorrow, but Charles would take this progress today. After all, he was filing tax exemptions today, and if the boys were 'going green' today then they qualified for that write off. Close enough, right?
Weird Al- Drivin' a Truck With my High Heels On
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGLmiWfoJx8 Murderface tapped his fingers to the beat coming from his radio. There was nothing like the feeling of of the highway rolling by while he drove his eighteen wheeler into the sunset. He wasn't permitted to leave Mordland, of course, because getting a class A license was a pain in the ass.
He liked this time alone best of all because he could be himself while he was out here. People passing by on the highway could only see his flannel shirt and perhaps his ball cap that proudly proclaimed that everyone should go fuck themselves. They couldn't see his lovely shade of maroon nail polish or his darling little rhinestone pumps as he pumped the pedals.