It was high time I got around to goofing off on Sims again. This post may be in part or in whole inspired by the art and works of
gearsmoke and the fact that she just celebrated her birthday. Also, she's as much a N/P addict as I am and I felt like that was reason enough to bother the guys and make up a little story. Apart from that, parties are just plain fun. Even more so when Dethklok is invited.
Let's crash the party,
The day started off as any other would for Pickles the Drummer. He was busy lounging in his room and trying to ignore the fact that he was another year older.
Knowing that the little guy would probably be down, Nathan decided to pay his friend a visit and give him a totally metal hug. (What I love is the fact that Nathan did this on his own with no prompting. I'm trying to be reasonable in this game and not force them to become a couple. However, Sims are inclined to be openly affectionate with their friends and this was the random interaction Nathan chose. Be still my slasher heart.)
After his hug, Pickles actually was feeling a little better and decided to make the most of his day. Fuck the fact that he was older than ever. He decided to soothe his battered pride with mixed drinks straight from the tap.
The shit was so good it burned a hole through his chin. But he didn't care because he then went to get even more fucked up with some amazing weed.
When all was said and done, he stumbled over to the hot tub. It was turning out to be a pretty decent birthday after all.
It was about here where Nathan decided to step in and stop Pickles' typical self destructive behavior. He decided to get him focused on something else... Something like rollerskating. Still in his underwear.
Now, unfortunately, skating while stoned and drunk is difficult. Pickles took it all in stride but was starting to wish that he'd worn pants. Especially when Nathan laughed and rolled right past him. "Hahaha. God you're a dickface."
It was okay though, the little guy picked himself up and kept on rolling... right past Nathan when he fell. "HA! Who's tha dickface now? Eh?" (Now I'm not saying Pickles pushed his companion, but he sure as hell didn't try to stop his fall either.)
Scraping himself up off of the ground, Nathan decided he'd had enough of this shit. It was time to eat. So he sent everyone outside for a cookout. Pickles lounged in a chair while Skwisgaar and Magnus shot the shit. Toki claimed the pool instantly.
After a while, Offdensen also came over to lounge with the guys. Toki almost convinced Skwisgaar to jump in the pool. The vain Swede stripped off his clothes, tiptoed out on the diving board and instantly turned into a pussy. He jumped back onto dry land.
Nathan took it upon himself to cater his pal's birthday event. Nobody can incinerate a hot dog like Nathan Explosion!
Through some sheer miracle, the grill didn't combust and the guys all ate like kings. Except for Offdensen, who politely declined. He might have muttered something about 'not taking any chances' but Nathan couldn't be sure. (This picture actually kind of makes me a little sad. Poor Magnus! This is what might have been.)
Much fun was had, trash was talked and slightly burned food was eaten.
Afterwards, Murderface decided to DJ and the rest of the guys came in to bust a move. Skwisgaar got his groove thang on and Toki narrowly missed Pickles' shin to his balls.
And finally, Nathan made his way over to dance with his buddy because it's totally not gay to do that.
"Happy Birthday, Fuckface."
"Heh, t'anks Nate."
(And omg you guys. Check out the ones in the background. Charles Foster Offdensen is the motherfucking king of white boy dance and Magnus Hammerstorm is a pretty, pretty princess.)
Alright, g'night y'all!